1 00:00:20,86 --> 00:00:23,69 The big. 2 00:00:27,74 --> 00:00:29,56 Right now if we are looking for 3 00:00:30,01 --> 00:00:36,92 a robbery we're going to be fully aware of what you know what. You know you can 4 00:00:36,93 --> 00:00:41,67 get out of. Your view we should be all right there being no scholar to order. 5 00:00:44,35 --> 00:00:49,81 And be tough no you call. Me or Peter sent. 6 00:00:51,21 --> 00:00:57,26 Out. Remember back here. Remember test for. 7 00:00:58,61 --> 00:01:05,11 Absolute. Number name your. Number cross and their number to keep. 8 00:01:06,69 --> 00:01:12,53 The. Number Thomas. Hobbes. Number here and. 9 00:01:14,87 --> 00:01:21,73 Number clam. Member Berger your. Member Callaway 10 00:01:22,05 --> 00:01:27,78 here member Somers. Taps you zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero 11 00:01:27,79 --> 00:01:34,61 people here in. Twenty five are really really here in eight. Remember 12 00:01:34,62 --> 00:01:40,76 George here. Remember Mick I believe your. Number Stern said 13 00:01:41,43 --> 00:01:47,65 here remember motley crew member fix your member crew here. 14 00:01:51,07 --> 00:01:55,14 All right thank you member George would you do something like Really. 15 00:01:59,65 --> 00:02:05,48 Politically play with me this is America to you very likely 16 00:02:06,29 --> 00:02:12,52 this way. It is old will receive us for all. 17 00:02:14,83 --> 00:02:21,54 Things still will. Be when 18 00:02:21,55 --> 00:02:22,63 someone like to make 19 00:02:22,64 --> 00:02:28,60 a motion to prove to me to make sure that. Second. 20 00:02:30,65 --> 00:02:37,54 I'll say. OK All right it's been by remembering and 21 00:02:37,55 --> 00:02:44,13 Canseco by them because. Yes 22 00:02:44,49 --> 00:02:51,39 Motley. Can you speak into your microphone please. 23 00:02:52,67 --> 00:02:53,25 Carry out 24 00:02:53,26 --> 00:03:00,12 a correction or two here if I can find them here with me. Oh that's right we're 25 00:03:00,13 --> 00:03:05,75 just approving the agenda agenda or cap I have no problem with the agenda OK 26 00:03:05,76 --> 00:03:06,22 although it's 27 00:03:06,23 --> 00:03:13,12 a favor right and your posts now in minutes do we have 28 00:03:13,13 --> 00:03:19,21 a motion on the minutes. So 29 00:03:20,02 --> 00:03:22,14 OK it's been moved by 30 00:03:22,18 --> 00:03:27,29 a member now and he's seconded by member Bennett and member motley you have to 31 00:03:27,69 --> 00:03:32,75 protest corrections players on roll call I'd like to note that my name is 32 00:03:32,76 --> 00:03:39,65 misspelled but all proceeds feet. That's under 33 00:03:40,11 --> 00:03:42,03 roll call number two members present. 34 00:03:49,00 --> 00:03:54,15 And. Back on page four under item nine. 35 00:03:56,40 --> 00:04:02,49 Discussion past Kathleen don't want to hear people tense two thousand and eleven. I 36 00:04:02,50 --> 00:04:09,23 don't think so that's Sunday. I believe that's your prefer to. Also question the 37 00:04:09,24 --> 00:04:16,09 word years of the word and the next to last line under number nine. Story since the 38 00:04:16,10 --> 00:04:21,09 water taskforce and there are no here there are pros and sets the city of Salem's 39 00:04:21,10 --> 00:04:27,07 Waters who are it's our question use the word sets I suggest recommends it should 40 00:04:27,08 --> 00:04:34,05 be recommends closer or corrections I have only her dish and. OK Do we 41 00:04:34,06 --> 00:04:38,33 need to amend the question then or can we just as correct as. 42 00:04:46,90 --> 00:04:53,68 I moved here are moved to the changes the amendments. That are all right 43 00:04:54,32 --> 00:04:56,38 by a member but please seconded by 44 00:04:56,39 --> 00:05:03,33 a member right then to right. To correct it to 45 00:05:03,34 --> 00:05:10,04 accept the minutes as correct and all those favorite I and your posts OK thank. 46 00:05:12,71 --> 00:05:13,32 You for. 47 00:05:21,09 --> 00:05:27,65 That. Second All right. Amended by member now and 48 00:05:28,09 --> 00:05:32,49 then seconded by then before we go did you have 49 00:05:32,50 --> 00:05:38,24 a comment member church No I did that I seconded but I had just said I seconded I 50 00:05:38,25 --> 00:05:42,85 didn't hear it in good first OK. So it seconded by 51 00:05:42,89 --> 00:05:49,86 a member George All right. All those favor. You owe us. 52 00:05:51,68 --> 00:05:55,25 Now we come to adoption committee curious. 53 00:05:59,47 --> 00:06:02,93 Thank you Madam Chair Good evening budget committee members I'm Deborah novel The 54 00:06:02,94 --> 00:06:09,27 budget officer for the city I have before you the seeding some revised and modified 55 00:06:09,28 --> 00:06:13,27 budget committee procedures those of you who have been on the Budget Committee in 56 00:06:13,28 --> 00:06:18,85 prior years may remember that we've provided procedures that included options and 57 00:06:19,18 --> 00:06:22,80 I've tried to incorporate the options that you've selected most frequently into 58 00:06:22,81 --> 00:06:26,72 these procedures but in addition to that we've done some word smithing and 59 00:06:26,73 --> 00:06:32,64 clarifying in order to hopefully smooth out the process here at our meetings 60 00:06:33,32 --> 00:06:38,97 so I would like to just go over the highlights of what's changed. In the old rules 61 00:06:38,98 --> 00:06:45,24 the primary roadblock. If I were to use that word I guess I just did it would be 62 00:06:45,25 --> 00:06:50,40 that we used Robert's Rules of Order which are very stringent and Merrill that 63 00:06:50,41 --> 00:06:55,16 provide for very little latitude and that's one of the reasons we had to adopt an 64 00:06:55,17 --> 00:07:01,23 agenda at each meeting this particular set of procedures outlines what will be in 65 00:07:01,24 --> 00:07:01,91 the agenda in 66 00:07:01,92 --> 00:07:06,71 a very broad sense but it was also precluded the committee from having to approve 67 00:07:06,72 --> 00:07:12,18 the agenda at each and every meeting it will still use Robert's Rules of orders as 68 00:07:12,19 --> 00:07:13,72 a governing process but 69 00:07:13,73 --> 00:07:18,20 a very limited use of it similar to what city council uses those of you who are 70 00:07:18,21 --> 00:07:22,61 familiar with the how the city council interprets Robert's Rules of Order the whole 71 00:07:22,62 --> 00:07:29,03 idea is to help citizens participate not to confuse but to help the citizens 72 00:07:29,04 --> 00:07:34,19 understand the process and what's going on moving on to Item three Schedule 73 00:07:34,20 --> 00:07:38,59 Typically we have been meeting at six in past years and are journeying at ten 74 00:07:38,60 --> 00:07:42,62 o'clock unless otherwise extended by 75 00:07:42,63 --> 00:07:47,10 a bunch already vote of the Budget Committee and if we make the. A procedure that's 76 00:07:47,11 --> 00:07:51,58 what would happen but I did repeat that procedure because that has been our press 77 00:07:51,62 --> 00:07:57,36 past practice over the several years we've defined the officers in here which is 78 00:07:57,37 --> 00:08:03,01 nothing it's just written out it's nothing new. Robert's Rules of Order actually 79 00:08:03,02 --> 00:08:07,23 precluded up her side an officer from participating in making motions and seconds 80 00:08:07,24 --> 00:08:12,49 and voting this procedure doesn't in fact indicate that the presiding officer can 81 00:08:12,50 --> 00:08:18,22 participate as an active member in making motions and voting. 82 00:08:19,86 --> 00:08:23,52 The public testimony section is like we've had in the past there's nothing new or 83 00:08:23,53 --> 00:08:29,20 different about that. The Department review presentations are also similar to what 84 00:08:29,21 --> 00:08:34,45 we've used in the past so that the city manager would be providing an overview and 85 00:08:34,46 --> 00:08:35,23 may call upon 86 00:08:35,24 --> 00:08:39,38 a department head to assist with that departments will be available to answer 87 00:08:39,39 --> 00:08:45,19 questions and this is when we'll have public testimony on each of the fund that 88 00:08:45,23 --> 00:08:49,68 funds those presented at that time and then allow the budget committee to review 89 00:08:49,81 --> 00:08:54,86 the entire all of the information that is called Out of that mall those moments and 90 00:08:54,87 --> 00:08:59,44 then have the budget committee review or close their review of that particular fund 91 00:08:59,45 --> 00:09:06,25 that we're hearing. Going on to Item eight core I'm not unusual here we've had this 92 00:09:06,26 --> 00:09:10,77 in our procedures in the past with the Budget Committee it is not 93 00:09:10,78 --> 00:09:15,70 a simple majority it has majority of the whole committee there for ten votes must 94 00:09:15,89 --> 00:09:19,72 receive an I vote in order to pass Likewise in order to conduct 95 00:09:19,73 --> 00:09:25,35 a meeting there must be ten members present. And that's not just ten active members 96 00:09:25,39 --> 00:09:30,39 if there's vacancies you still need ten people in attendance and voting in favor of 97 00:09:30,40 --> 00:09:35,42 a motion. When we get down to Item ten substitute motions this is where we're 98 00:09:35,46 --> 00:09:40,39 adding information to help clarify for those of you on the committee as well as the 99 00:09:40,40 --> 00:09:46,67 public how is substitute motion works it provides for definition and process in in 100 00:09:46,68 --> 00:09:52,63 this area also we've added the calling the question just to provide insight for 101 00:09:52,64 --> 00:09:59,60 those of you who may end up wanting to utilize that rule or order. Staff responses 102 00:09:59,61 --> 00:10:03,99 to budget committee questions item twelve that's the same as what we've used in the 103 00:10:04,00 --> 00:10:09,85 past. And we've also then delineated in item thirteen the wish list again the same 104 00:10:09,86 --> 00:10:16,04 as what we have used in the past. Item fourteen the pre meeting briefings we have 105 00:10:16,05 --> 00:10:19,94 used this in the past and then again we have not we look to the budget committee 106 00:10:19,95 --> 00:10:25,53 each year to decide Have you decide if you feel that those pre meeting briefings 107 00:10:25,54 --> 00:10:30,93 would be useful generally when we have had them they've been held on the winds day 108 00:10:30,97 --> 00:10:36,43 at noon time prior to the subject departments or funds meetings of that night 109 00:10:36,80 --> 00:10:41,70 they're meant to be informal sessions where the department staff is available to 110 00:10:41,71 --> 00:10:46,61 answer questions no decisions are made at these meetings it's just open discussion 111 00:10:46,62 --> 00:10:53,47 questions and answers. So we'd like to when I fit completed I'll turn it back 112 00:10:53,48 --> 00:10:57,65 over to the chair and see what your interest is in having cremating briefings. 113 00:10:59,40 --> 00:11:04,22 Special meetings we've included this language in the past procedures nothing new or 114 00:11:04,23 --> 00:11:09,98 different here. Budget Committee minutes we will be following the action final 115 00:11:09,99 --> 00:11:14,64 action agenda format which is also used by the city council and we have been using 116 00:11:14,65 --> 00:11:18,73 those for the last several years here with the budget committee and then we have 117 00:11:18,77 --> 00:11:24,15 a rule on it's called Amendment of the rules and I would like to change that to 118 00:11:24,16 --> 00:11:28,93 procedures if it's OK with the Budget Committee in fact I used the word rules three 119 00:11:28,94 --> 00:11:32,47 times in this particular paragraph and I'd like to change that to procedures that 120 00:11:32,48 --> 00:11:39,07 that suits your. Level of comfort with this but this just goes on to describe how 121 00:11:39,08 --> 00:11:43,12 we would amend these rules because each year we would not necessarily have to go 122 00:11:43,13 --> 00:11:46,89 through this process and unless the Budget Committee would like to entertain an 123 00:11:46,90 --> 00:11:51,24 amendment to the rules we would just continue on with them as they get adopted 124 00:11:51,25 --> 00:11:57,82 tonight unless there is the amendment Madam Chair. There are comments or questions 125 00:11:57,89 --> 00:11:58,26 subs. 126 00:12:05,69 --> 00:12:11,69 Just discussing Robert's Rules of Order it. Never gets and I don't want 127 00:12:12,43 --> 00:12:19,18 yes. I believe Roberts there is no supposed slush function where did 128 00:12:19,97 --> 00:12:24,88 the gentleman snake was Lieutenant Roberts and therefore the possessive would be 129 00:12:24,89 --> 00:12:30,68 with the apostrophe following the US has it stated here in the exactly in the title 130 00:12:30,72 --> 00:12:36,38 item one all right we can make that correction I also would know it's that the 131 00:12:36,39 --> 00:12:42,85 current version is correctly referred to as Robert's Rules of Order revised. As 132 00:12:42,86 --> 00:12:48,86 a comma between order and revised here as the original. Is. 133 00:12:53,41 --> 00:13:00,29 Where we want to go with the chair having voice. That's part of the revision as it 134 00:13:00,30 --> 00:13:06,89 didn't permit that. You'd like to clarify that item to 135 00:13:07,21 --> 00:13:14,14 be at the end of the. Co-owners statement two thirds vote 136 00:13:14,15 --> 00:13:17,06 that's two thirds Forge of the members present is it not. 137 00:13:22,61 --> 00:13:27,73 That would be. Yes Two thirds of those present we are not making 138 00:13:27,74 --> 00:13:32,63 a decision here about the budget itself it's just about the meaning at hand can I 139 00:13:32,72 --> 00:13:37,82 can I suggest that we include those those words yes. There's 140 00:13:37,90 --> 00:13:43,88 a shot over here just in terms of the response was to my question to you was no. 141 00:13:45,47 --> 00:13:50,37 Armies are Easterners misunderstanding here you're sitting ducks to well rule the 142 00:13:50,38 --> 00:13:56,33 state of the Rover through the order just a minute now do you call. Hold on 143 00:13:56,34 --> 00:14:03,03 a minute and try would go ahead. OK let's go ahead and let 144 00:14:03,40 --> 00:14:09,53 members Summers speak then but I'm not sure where you see till I'm your point 145 00:14:09,76 --> 00:14:15,38 member of my family. I have other things to bring up but on this specific point I 146 00:14:15,39 --> 00:14:22,30 don't know I stated my piece OK members SUMMERS Well I go there were distributed to 147 00:14:22,53 --> 00:14:29,48 both the state the student state guidelines state would be pretty they were very 148 00:14:29,49 --> 00:14:35,54 specific about why we didn't have we we didn't hear the word war News and World War 149 00:14:35,64 --> 00:14:41,26 two So I think we have already under these conditions were under these conditions 150 00:14:41,34 --> 00:14:47,79 were in store or. The rule is not the right for all we should just call the state 151 00:14:47,92 --> 00:14:51,95 rule. Live good that we have or miss. 152 00:14:59,05 --> 00:15:02,99 In previous posts and my understanding remember Motley's comments wasn't about what 153 00:15:03,00 --> 00:15:06,20 the quorum is or what the quorum is and it was just about clarification of what the 154 00:15:06,21 --> 00:15:11,30 two thirds vote I don't have an issue with his comments. It's just clarifying. 155 00:15:15,24 --> 00:15:17,09 If someone wants to make 156 00:15:17,10 --> 00:15:23,66 a motion to change their proposed rules. That would 157 00:15:24,37 --> 00:15:31,25 I would entertain that all of that. And how what would we 158 00:15:31,40 --> 00:15:38,27 be changing them to what would the mission be. So. Obvious start asking 159 00:15:38,28 --> 00:15:43,19 me. Are you the one who made the most charting of my life I have my own I thank you 160 00:15:43,70 --> 00:15:49,93 I would I would. Move as it were correct the spelling of punctuation involved in 161 00:15:50,27 --> 00:15:56,83 Robert's Rules of Order under number one in the second line or first sentence 162 00:15:57,34 --> 00:16:03,59 to state. Roberts with the apostrophe after the asked rather than B. 163 00:16:03,60 --> 00:16:04,66 To between the T. 164 00:16:04,67 --> 00:16:11,37 In the house and it we include the word after order revised before the period. 165 00:16:13,09 --> 00:16:19,33 On the agenda item number to be how to measure the words medium by two thirds vote 166 00:16:19,40 --> 00:16:22,10 with insert the words of members present. 167 00:16:27,07 --> 00:16:32,86 And remember bin it was that yes second your second second oh right I have another 168 00:16:32,87 --> 00:16:39,07 suggestion changes also if you want to it's now or. I have 169 00:16:39,08 --> 00:16:43,57 a feeling we should probably not do too many changes once if we're going to do 170 00:16:43,58 --> 00:16:47,42 quite a few members now and can't get just 171 00:16:47,97 --> 00:16:53,24 a couple of things two thirds vote if it's of the full body it's different than our 172 00:16:53,25 --> 00:17:00,13 normal quarter and we may not have two thirds of the body here. If we say only 173 00:17:00,14 --> 00:17:04,21 had eleven people because of who are the two thirds in that case would be fourteen 174 00:17:04,21 --> 00:17:10,07 . So I agree with the motion in that respect and. 175 00:17:11,74 --> 00:17:15,87 It's regard to Robert's Rules of Order My son's an English class in college right 176 00:17:15,88 --> 00:17:21,42 now and they change the rules on apostrophe when a name ends in S. 177 00:17:21,43 --> 00:17:28,03 And you can do it either way now. But. I don't have any problem to get 178 00:17:28,30 --> 00:17:35,24 back the way that I looked. OK Are there. Any other comments on that 179 00:17:35,25 --> 00:17:41,97 motion just member summers. When you're already experiencing the 180 00:17:41,98 --> 00:17:47,17 room of the book you really must present to hold and be sure there were no roads. 181 00:17:48,48 --> 00:17:51,25 Through all the motion it would be to have 182 00:17:51,26 --> 00:17:55,71 a look at the motion on the floors where Aren't it quire me out of my crack. 183 00:17:58,99 --> 00:18:04,54 Let's discuss the motion on the floor Are there any is there to study. This that 184 00:18:04,55 --> 00:18:10,34 the motion on the floor. Yeah you're right sorry. Go ahead and. 185 00:18:13,19 --> 00:18:18,74 Teach you went to college yes. All those in favor of the motion. 186 00:18:21,27 --> 00:18:28,11 And your posts. OK. If there are other 187 00:18:28,12 --> 00:18:35,06 comments you remember motley had another comment on should just you know I'm sure 188 00:18:35,07 --> 00:18:39,65 our I understand your concern with too many changes with one of my bill and I'm 189 00:18:39,66 --> 00:18:46,45 concerned with the procedures back of articles seventeen remember the 190 00:18:46,53 --> 00:18:52,75 rules for procedures. As I understand it this paragraph is currently existing. 191 00:18:54,08 --> 00:18:54,56 This is not 192 00:18:54,57 --> 00:19:01,33 a proposal and if that's the case. Changes to these rules need to be read now in 193 00:19:01,34 --> 00:19:08,18 order to. Have them actually change at the next meeting. So 194 00:19:08,25 --> 00:19:15,00 are are would like to continue on despite brevity. Yes that would be 195 00:19:15,08 --> 00:19:21,54 fine I was just suggesting the. Sites that it's time I didn't mean not to do it 196 00:19:21,60 --> 00:19:28,22 night OK with that in mind understood under one hundred three schedule on the 197 00:19:28,23 --> 00:19:32,80 last line intervals while the majority vote of the meeting and I again presume that 198 00:19:32,81 --> 00:19:33,35 this is 199 00:19:33,84 --> 00:19:40,66 a majority vote of the members attending the meeting. That would be correct 200 00:19:41,54 --> 00:19:46,12 at those at the meeting attending the meeting OK I thought I'd like to make 201 00:19:46,44 --> 00:19:53,40 a motion that we clarify this statement by including verbiage this is intended to 202 00:19:53,41 --> 00:19:59,40 be members attending. Say. Alright it's been moved by 203 00:19:59,41 --> 00:20:05,75 a member of my play and seconded by Mr Bennett to add the bridge members attending 204 00:20:05,76 --> 00:20:12,74 today to their craft like. All those in favor of the motion of the heart 205 00:20:13,13 --> 00:20:15,79 and how I was. I had 206 00:20:15,80 --> 00:20:20,21 a comment if I. Sorry I didn't know it's just to make it similar to what was said 207 00:20:20,22 --> 00:20:25,74 before the members present as opposed to ten. So you're fine with them as. 208 00:20:29,72 --> 00:20:35,51 Any other comments on the rules to propose for yes member monthly. 209 00:20:36,58 --> 00:20:37,72 Under public testimony 210 00:20:37,73 --> 00:20:43,47 a number six now I am three. This is discussing the fact that a group may have 211 00:20:43,48 --> 00:20:50,14 a sports person. Present testimony. And then it discusses that 212 00:20:51,12 --> 00:20:56,11 after that person term issues presiding officer will ask all those in the audience 213 00:20:56,12 --> 00:21:02,14 to indicate their support. On thinking perhaps rather than the word audience or the 214 00:21:02,15 --> 00:21:08,96 group audience or maybe the content of this and how severe the task is 215 00:21:09,43 --> 00:21:16,20 for the members of the group that that spokesperson is representing. That there are 216 00:21:16,21 --> 00:21:22,11 saying yes we we endorse this wherever and I'm making that presumption asking that 217 00:21:22,12 --> 00:21:26,50 question based on number four because it says of other members of the same group 218 00:21:26,51 --> 00:21:31,29 have additional information there is no small resource of the three minutes earlier 219 00:21:31,30 --> 00:21:37,96 editions vision resume or. Agreement with. Wiki can change it to all those 220 00:21:38,09 --> 00:21:44,57 in the group in the audience play indicate their support OK Would you 221 00:21:44,83 --> 00:21:45,43 like to make 222 00:21:45,44 --> 00:21:51,98 a motion to better use or do you have something else to add. I would be content 223 00:21:51,99 --> 00:21:58,04 with that an artist for me would make that motion. I'm going to try and have 224 00:21:58,05 --> 00:22:03,54 another word also and second that one all right it's been moved by member of the 225 00:22:03,74 --> 00:22:09,11 place seconded by member Clawson of those it's there for their discussion although 226 00:22:09,12 --> 00:22:10,81 some favor you. 227 00:22:16,21 --> 00:22:22,44 In. You know there are comments I have one but I'm OK on the pre 228 00:22:23,24 --> 00:22:26,34 they're prepared to one strike the other we need to. 229 00:22:30,20 --> 00:22:36,64 Know that's just part of the package so my question is. These are public media so 230 00:22:37,47 --> 00:22:41,53 they're open meetings Yes they are and I would make 231 00:22:41,54 --> 00:22:48,42 a motion that we the appropriate wording and. Rules to indicate 232 00:22:48,43 --> 00:22:55,24 that the premier budget briefings are open meetings and that they be. 233 00:22:56,32 --> 00:23:00,19 Noticed as such. And I have 234 00:23:00,20 --> 00:23:06,67 a second. Second. Any further discussion. 235 00:23:09,08 --> 00:23:14,25 All those in favor because I think it poses OK. 236 00:23:15,94 --> 00:23:19,65 Anything else on the stuff Q. Just 237 00:23:19,66 --> 00:23:24,16 a member of my house on her article seven Department review person presentations. 238 00:23:25,25 --> 00:23:29,42 If I didn't see it says the public's indirect invited to testify on the phones 239 00:23:29,43 --> 00:23:32,60 a budget. For the Chargers 240 00:23:32,61 --> 00:23:37,46 a department review presentation and I'm thinking that perhaps because department 241 00:23:37,47 --> 00:23:42,85 is mentioned elsewhere such as an A Under Article seven the public is invited to 242 00:23:42,86 --> 00:23:49,73 testify in the form Department budget. But 243 00:23:50,15 --> 00:23:55,99 I think the for me I think the intent here is each department will be presenting us 244 00:23:56,00 --> 00:23:59,72 part of the find and so anything people want to comment on the is 245 00:24:00,36 --> 00:24:04,28 a part of the find even though it may be specifically related to one department in 246 00:24:04,29 --> 00:24:10,43 the fine and I understood and I think. I'm just trying to clarify unsmiling are 247 00:24:10,44 --> 00:24:16,40 clear what the rights and responsibilities are of the publicans committee. And. 248 00:24:16,52 --> 00:24:23,43 Other comments on the document. Should we just have to prove that God 249 00:24:23,93 --> 00:24:30,78 is. A simple yes very sure yes member of my family I believe I 250 00:24:30,79 --> 00:24:30,98 made 251 00:24:30,99 --> 00:24:38,17 a motion of talking about including the word part. You're not oh I heard 252 00:24:38,18 --> 00:24:42,00 it is a question was there second on that motion I didn't hear it is 253 00:24:42,01 --> 00:24:45,82 a motion but if you're making that motion are you have are you sorry to. 254 00:24:48,69 --> 00:24:54,88 Including the word Department. OK. 255 00:24:56,11 --> 00:25:02,03 Any other comments on this document before we have proof it is as amended or. 256 00:25:04,56 --> 00:25:04,93 Do we have 257 00:25:04,94 --> 00:25:11,96 a motion to approve the revise proceed through. As amended 258 00:25:12,27 --> 00:25:18,50 chair I do have one more comment OK let's listen to mentioned that under Article 259 00:25:18,51 --> 00:25:23,43 seventeen she wanted to change the word rules to procedures in the three locations 260 00:25:23,44 --> 00:25:26,14 I would move that we make that change to make it consistent with the rest of the 261 00:25:26,15 --> 00:25:32,03 document. In the title in three places in that paragraph of Article seventeen 262 00:25:32,04 --> 00:25:34,79 change the word rules to procedures OK it's been moved by 263 00:25:34,80 --> 00:25:36,40 a member of class and second if 264 00:25:36,41 --> 00:25:42,95 a member in any further discussion to. Approve the document 265 00:25:43,18 --> 00:25:49,49 was amended. Oh. Yes I mean it 266 00:25:49,98 --> 00:25:54,08 doesn't Section seventeen say that we can't have that vote tonight that we'd have 267 00:25:54,09 --> 00:26:00,71 to have it at the next meeting. That's true. The rules 268 00:26:01,69 --> 00:26:06,76 why ask the city attorney that question as well and since we don't have the rules 269 00:26:06,77 --> 00:26:13,17 are not in place were merely approving the rules. Do you don't need to follow item 270 00:26:13,37 --> 00:26:19,14 seventeen after the rules we can't follow these rules until we've adopted these 271 00:26:19,18 --> 00:26:26,13 rules but. Just says that you can't change the rules until they've 272 00:26:26,14 --> 00:26:27,76 been presented six days prior to 273 00:26:27,77 --> 00:26:32,85 a budget committee meeting I would think that you could not actually vote on these 274 00:26:32,86 --> 00:26:39,53 amendments until the next Budget Committee would be good that is rules that are not 275 00:26:39,54 --> 00:26:45,81 in top. So we are not covered by the rules until we adopt them where we were 276 00:26:45,82 --> 00:26:46,41 governed by 277 00:26:46,42 --> 00:26:52,96 a set of rules prior to this annually you adopted procedures and we haven't gone 278 00:26:52,97 --> 00:26:57,02 through that process yet this year this is part and parcel of that we're modifying 279 00:26:57,03 --> 00:27:03,55 that approach this year so I would offer that this is not doesn't fall under 280 00:27:03,56 --> 00:27:08,35 Article seventeen yet because the rules have not read the procedures have not been 281 00:27:08,39 --> 00:27:15,22 adopted adopted members are now and came. To the point where as council and 282 00:27:15,23 --> 00:27:21,41 housing authority have standing rules. The Budget Committee has known and so we had 283 00:27:21,42 --> 00:27:28,26 up our rules. At the beginning of the. Annual budget meeting so. 284 00:27:30,45 --> 00:27:33,18 Because I look at that too and it's like well with but we haven't adopted anything 285 00:27:33,19 --> 00:27:36,39 for this year yet it would probably be smart to actually have 286 00:27:36,40 --> 00:27:39,56 a standing set of rules so we wouldn't have to necessarily go through this if 287 00:27:39,57 --> 00:27:45,92 people wanted to make suggestions. And we could make said motion as we approve this 288 00:27:45,93 --> 00:27:52,69 that just be. Budget Committee rules. Remember 289 00:27:52,70 --> 00:27:58,78 my only because Armstrong tell them of course you know. I also understand her 290 00:27:58,79 --> 00:28:05,39 accounts for Medicare is coming from I made perhaps I misunderstood I thought. 291 00:28:06,73 --> 00:28:12,32 Indicated. Some of these rules were. Just seen already. 292 00:28:14,09 --> 00:28:19,00 Were we were now are changing some rules and very had rules in the past and I'm 293 00:28:19,29 --> 00:28:25,47 here's where those rules and then you can be changed and so. Here here's where 294 00:28:26,31 --> 00:28:31,64 the budget office would be ministration was suggesting house. 295 00:28:33,59 --> 00:28:37,96 Modifications to the existing rules I think that's where your question is coming 296 00:28:37,97 --> 00:28:43,45 from your I don't reduce the rules or I can agree completely with what comes from 297 00:28:43,46 --> 00:28:49,24 that if that's where the question is coming from we were some of us are so mean 298 00:28:49,25 --> 00:28:54,64 that we're operating under rules that we actually don't have and front of us. 299 00:28:57,02 --> 00:29:03,34 Do we have further discussion urge should we I would like to call for the guest 300 00:29:03,35 --> 00:29:09,57 member of class my motion is still out on the floor to change those words rules to 301 00:29:09,58 --> 00:29:15,28 procedures and then and then this discussion probably goes to the larger. Issue so 302 00:29:15,79 --> 00:29:22,46 oh right let's second it your motion that's right right. Would you be 303 00:29:22,47 --> 00:29:28,16 staking motion member just to change the words rules in the title and in the 304 00:29:28,17 --> 00:29:32,72 paragraph of Article seventeen change the word rules to procedures all right and 305 00:29:32,73 --> 00:29:38,19 that's the second OK it's been moved by member class and second if I remember now 306 00:29:38,20 --> 00:29:44,66 and keep all those in favor I know I was all right 307 00:29:45,51 --> 00:29:49,13 now. Let's get to 308 00:29:49,17 --> 00:29:55,82 a motion on the entire document as amended its member class had moved to 309 00:29:55,83 --> 00:30:02,30 accept the document as amended through this process tonight. OK move by 310 00:30:02,31 --> 00:30:09,25 a member of class seconded by membered to keep. Just member in and make sense 311 00:30:09,26 --> 00:30:13,58 to motion that these rules be. Adopted as standing rules of the Budget Committee. 312 00:30:15,48 --> 00:30:22,05 Get. Any further discussion. All those in favor 313 00:30:22,84 --> 00:30:29,47 I do you oppose. We have rules. That you. 314 00:30:33,28 --> 00:30:39,71 Can. Write. Have to say you know full. 315 00:30:40,79 --> 00:30:45,64 Madam Chair We have no correspondence to see you think I'll move on to Item seven 316 00:30:45,65 --> 00:30:50,21 handout material this was attack is attached to your agenda and it is the proposed 317 00:30:50,30 --> 00:30:57,23 budget committee review schedule I would like to have you approve it or not 318 00:30:57,96 --> 00:31:01,75 make an action play you. Think you do we have 319 00:31:01,76 --> 00:31:06,56 a motion chip the schedule as presented by staff so. 320 00:31:09,04 --> 00:31:12,71 It's been moved by air Peterson seconded by 321 00:31:12,72 --> 00:31:19,12 a member and key to prove the schedule as it's that good member. Do you 322 00:31:19,90 --> 00:31:25,40 just speak you. Don't that's fine never much really are just 323 00:31:25,85 --> 00:31:32,04 a discussion on under the words your preferred chain of cells to prove most funders 324 00:31:32,05 --> 00:31:37,52 going across town appears to be crossed on my copy so. That would be correct. 325 00:31:39,40 --> 00:31:46,37 More drugs were. That fun does not have any budget. Proposed for it it 326 00:31:46,38 --> 00:31:50,65 was inadvertently included on the list but there is no budget for that fund now so 327 00:31:50,66 --> 00:31:54,13 if you're a grown up and your career or. Pardon me that's 328 00:31:54,14 --> 00:32:00,16 a bureau balance is your curve forward fine that's correct. In this budget 329 00:32:00,17 --> 00:32:05,83 committee move to eliminate farms or excess in accordance with standard Barger our 330 00:32:05,84 --> 00:32:10,24 governmental budgeting which requires it for no more farms and no search for the 331 00:32:10,25 --> 00:32:16,76 ministration the government. Is this an 332 00:32:16,77 --> 00:32:22,81 existing today and existing fund but there is no activity and there hasn't been any 333 00:32:22,82 --> 00:32:26,91 activity and so there's no point in having a budget carry nation that's not 334 00:32:26,92 --> 00:32:30,13 a limb in aiding the fund by taking it off this list or just not having 335 00:32:30,14 --> 00:32:36,66 a presentation on the fund and the motion is to accept the schedule as 336 00:32:36,67 --> 00:32:41,53 presented which would include that crossed out so if someone wants to add it back 337 00:32:41,54 --> 00:32:47,39 again we would need. A an amendment or so much I believe. 338 00:32:50,24 --> 00:32:57,07 We ready to vote on this all those in favor of accepting the calendar but I 339 00:32:57,08 --> 00:33:04,06 wonder as presented I I and you oppose. All right Madam Chair when 340 00:33:04,07 --> 00:33:09,45 you're speaking go back to the pre meeting briefings Yeah as you know and past 341 00:33:09,46 --> 00:33:14,50 years sometimes we've had just one to three budget committee members at those 342 00:33:14,51 --> 00:33:19,27 briefings and it's fairly time intensive for staff so I was wondering if there 343 00:33:19,28 --> 00:33:24,48 could be up I would have members to see if there was interest in having those 344 00:33:24,73 --> 00:33:31,61 premium over with. Yes I was going to say I would 345 00:33:31,62 --> 00:33:31,83 make 346 00:33:31,84 --> 00:33:36,48 a motion but I'm not sure what that motion would be the first I would say that I 347 00:33:36,49 --> 00:33:43,22 have. I have concerns about that as well it's valuable for those who had ten 348 00:33:43,68 --> 00:33:49,42 sometimes there's only two or three so how about if we should we just have 349 00:33:49,43 --> 00:33:56,00 a show of hands of people who might actually. Like. This 350 00:33:56,01 --> 00:34:01,42 noon. This is thought of but this is just 351 00:34:01,43 --> 00:34:08,17 a case here of questions. I think it would depend upon 352 00:34:08,18 --> 00:34:12,76 what the subject of the meeting was in the briefing it's not something that I could 353 00:34:12,77 --> 00:34:17,32 say I'm going to be there every time I say I know what it is that we would be 354 00:34:17,33 --> 00:34:23,83 discussing there precession briefings are on the budget presentations that will 355 00:34:23,84 --> 00:34:28,57 happen that evening so if we were doing for example the police department in the 356 00:34:28,58 --> 00:34:34,23 fire department budgets that evening. Police chief and fire chief and their staffs 357 00:34:34,24 --> 00:34:38,75 would be there to answer any informal questions anyone any of the budget committee 358 00:34:38,76 --> 00:34:44,96 members might have. Remembered. Member Nanking 359 00:34:45,77 --> 00:34:51,53 and basically as we and a budget meeting we get it asked for 360 00:34:51,54 --> 00:34:53,49 a vote of those members who wish to have 361 00:34:53,50 --> 00:35:00,08 a pretty meeting. The following week surveys done the topic that will be 362 00:35:00,74 --> 00:35:07,48 brought forth that we. Make sense to me Do we need to amend our pursuit years since 363 00:35:07,52 --> 00:35:13,07 the that would just be added to the end of the agenda OK that's fine with me so we 364 00:35:13,08 --> 00:35:18,62 don't need to take action on that right now right. Now lest we at the end of this 365 00:35:18,63 --> 00:35:24,95 really we can get over the items and whether or not we want OK but do it that way. 366 00:35:27,47 --> 00:35:33,88 I think we are finally ready. For Venator nor us to. Give us her 367 00:35:33,89 --> 00:35:40,04 presentation. Thank you I'm very happy to present the recommended 368 00:35:40,49 --> 00:35:44,53 fiscal year two thousand and eleven twelve budget for your review I'm going to do 369 00:35:44,54 --> 00:35:49,10 an overview of the city budget tonight and then they as we've talked we'll have 370 00:35:49,11 --> 00:35:54,09 presentations by department heads after that as you know about it is 371 00:35:54,10 --> 00:35:58,67 a financial plan we estimate what revenues we anticipate receiving and we estimate 372 00:35:58,68 --> 00:36:04,11 what expenditures we anticipate having And we also it also provides appropriation 373 00:36:04,12 --> 00:36:08,94 authority three zero or so that we can lawfully make expenditures from the budget. 374 00:36:10,02 --> 00:36:11,23 You will receive 375 00:36:11,24 --> 00:36:15,46 a copy of the budget either in written form I warn you it's this size or 376 00:36:15,47 --> 00:36:19,15 electronically after this presentation. 377 00:36:23,69 --> 00:36:27,29 Every year when we start to work on the budget we've put together our budget 378 00:36:27,30 --> 00:36:32,04 guidelines they're generally the same the ones we've used this year are on the 379 00:36:32,13 --> 00:36:37,00 overhead for you. Give you 380 00:36:37,01 --> 00:36:44,00 a minute to look at those. This year will be 381 00:36:44,01 --> 00:36:46,07 presenting I'm pleased to say 382 00:36:46,08 --> 00:36:51,37 a relatively stable budget for the next year it maintains all of their current 383 00:36:51,38 --> 00:36:53,63 programs in this city there's 384 00:36:53,64 --> 00:36:59,05 a reduction of six point two five pissy. Most of those out of the general fund 385 00:36:59,23 --> 00:37:04,27 their funds because of revenue or workload considerations none of those positions 386 00:37:04,70 --> 00:37:11,53 eliminations will result in layoffs. While we are going forward with fairly stable 387 00:37:11,54 --> 00:37:13,76 budget for this year there are some risks a head of 388 00:37:13,77 --> 00:37:15,91 a say and I'll talk more about these in 389 00:37:15,92 --> 00:37:19,70 a minute when is the impacts from cuts of other agencies as 390 00:37:19,71 --> 00:37:23,39 a state in Marion County look at their budgets and are dealing with pretty severe 391 00:37:23,40 --> 00:37:28,94 and and Salem Keiser school district pretty severe cuts some of those costs may end 392 00:37:29,14 --> 00:37:33,90 up. They me end up at least approaching us about picking up some of the costs of 393 00:37:33,91 --> 00:37:36,65 their challenge ahead of us and then I'll talk 394 00:37:36,66 --> 00:37:42,61 a little bit more about the challenge from property tax assessments per excuse me 395 00:37:42,62 --> 00:37:48,64 property tax compression. In terms of the budget we will continue as they said all 396 00:37:48,65 --> 00:37:54,09 the current programs and the twenty two funds that we have I'll show a chart in 397 00:37:54,10 --> 00:37:58,15 a little bit about the next point that will be using two to four million effort 398 00:37:58,16 --> 00:38:02,81 beginning balance in the general fund we have been building up our beginning fund 399 00:38:02,82 --> 00:38:07,53 balance over the last few years and anticipation of this economic slowdown in so we 400 00:38:07,54 --> 00:38:13,52 are able to do the up as we go into the next year the services that we're providing 401 00:38:13,53 --> 00:38:17,80 are in line with council direction about municipal services and we're also 402 00:38:17,81 --> 00:38:22,92 continuing our progress through buying measures and other funds as you'll see to 403 00:38:23,18 --> 00:38:28,76 continue to improve our infrastructure in the community. As I've said before I've 404 00:38:28,77 --> 00:38:34,14 recommended that the building beginning fund balance be at least ten million or 405 00:38:34,15 --> 00:38:40,07 higher it's about we need to carry many to handle our expenses from July first 406 00:38:40,08 --> 00:38:43,33 until November when we receive property tax and it's also there were 407 00:38:43,34 --> 00:38:50,25 a service that we have for emergencies. This 408 00:38:50,26 --> 00:38:56,03 chart shows total expenditure budgets for the budget. You'll see at the bottom that 409 00:38:56,03 --> 00:39:02,90 . Total Expenditure. Plus say ending balances four hundred fifty two million total 410 00:39:02,91 --> 00:39:07,64 expenditures for oftens her four hundred three point two and that's what the pie 411 00:39:07,65 --> 00:39:13,41 chart shows. In two thousand and seven eight just as 412 00:39:13,42 --> 00:39:18,56 a comparison the expenditure budget was five hundred thirty three point six million 413 00:39:18,90 --> 00:39:22,33 over that time since two thousand and seven eight in China now we've cut one 414 00:39:22,34 --> 00:39:27,44 hundred thirty point four million out of the expenditure budget most of that was 415 00:39:27,45 --> 00:39:31,81 from eliminating having to eliminate projects and capital improvement projects as 416 00:39:31,82 --> 00:39:36,93 he went but there are also many operating reductions over that time during the same 417 00:39:36,94 --> 00:39:41,33 five years the general fund budget has increased only six hundred thousand dollars 418 00:39:42,20 --> 00:39:49,07 actually. It's been fairly flat if you consider that the general fund budget in 419 00:39:49,39 --> 00:39:53,30 the eleven twelve recommendation is two point eight million dollars higher because 420 00:39:53,31 --> 00:39:58,17 of mandated purchase increase if you take that out we've stayed fairly flat over 421 00:39:58,18 --> 00:40:03,10 that time period. Over the five year period the largest fund reductions have been 422 00:40:03,11 --> 00:40:07,54 in capital improvements as I've said it went from two hundred million you know 423 00:40:07,55 --> 00:40:13,22 seven zero eight to seventy seven million coming in the share the extra capacity 424 00:40:13,23 --> 00:40:18,04 facilities went from fifty one million to nineteen million and that's largely of 425 00:40:18,05 --> 00:40:22,70 course because of the economic slowdown and the reduction is there also tied to the 426 00:40:22,71 --> 00:40:26,90 economy or building and safety that kind it's gone from nine point three million to 427 00:40:26,91 --> 00:40:32,33 three point two million in the proposed budget. The largest increase in funds was 428 00:40:32,34 --> 00:40:36,76 in the water and sewer fund from sixty eight point eight million to eighty three 429 00:40:36,77 --> 00:40:40,86 million that's largely because of the increased service has we stopped using 430 00:40:40,87 --> 00:40:46,28 commercial paper when the economy started to experience some severe problems in 431 00:40:46,29 --> 00:40:46,78 a move to 432 00:40:46,79 --> 00:40:53,71 a debt we also moved to administration charges and for that are related to 433 00:40:53,72 --> 00:40:59,55 depend and we are now as Peter Fernandez has said it paying for capital 434 00:40:59,56 --> 00:41:00,80 improvements as we go for 435 00:41:00,81 --> 00:41:06,32 a few years until we get out of the until we. Reduce the debt that we have enough 436 00:41:06,36 --> 00:41:13,17 and. The 437 00:41:13,18 --> 00:41:18,10 next chart shows General Fund resources so it's what we have available in the 438 00:41:18,11 --> 00:41:22,59 general fund you can see that property taxes be about fifty four point eight It's 439 00:41:22,60 --> 00:41:28,87 about forty nine percent of the revenue from the city and the other friends I'm 440 00:41:28,88 --> 00:41:29,68 going to talk about 441 00:41:29,69 --> 00:41:35,24 a minute are continuing to be flat or declining and that's kind of their concerns 442 00:41:35,44 --> 00:41:42,24 that we have. So this shows if you're looking at just the top five our five 443 00:41:42,50 --> 00:41:48,08 largest revenue sources its property tax we're estimating this year instead of. 444 00:41:49,18 --> 00:41:53,52 Fifty two point seven it'll be fifty three point seven So that's next you're 445 00:41:53,53 --> 00:41:58,59 recommending or estimating it will be fifty four point eight You can see on the 446 00:41:58,60 --> 00:42:04,62 arrows from what we estimated. For two thousand what we budgeted for two thousand 447 00:42:04,63 --> 00:42:09,09 and ten compared to what we estimate except for property tax are only They're flat 448 00:42:09,10 --> 00:42:15,36 or declining and the same will be true next year. At their current revenue for the 449 00:42:15,37 --> 00:42:20,17 general fund you can see what's happening there we estimate point six million this 450 00:42:20,18 --> 00:42:24,88 year and it's going down to six point eight million so overall our current revenue 451 00:42:25,22 --> 00:42:29,55 anticipated predicts year is slower than the budget was for their share. 452 00:42:37,10 --> 00:42:43,37 This chart shows general expenditures by department and again you can see that as 453 00:42:43,38 --> 00:42:48,14 has been the case for many years police and fire so over fifty percent of the cost 454 00:42:48,15 --> 00:42:54,56 in general and the non departmental amount there are ten point nine include situ 455 00:42:54,57 --> 00:42:57,43 any half million of general plan contingencies as well as 456 00:42:57,44 --> 00:43:04,04 a transfer of funds from the general fund to the public works fine and the one 457 00:43:04,05 --> 00:43:08,31 million dollar transferred to transportation so that's why that number is so large 458 00:43:08,31 --> 00:43:15,12 . I wanted to show you and it's in the budget messy just 459 00:43:15,13 --> 00:43:19,64 well we budget for what we anticipate will happen but every year we manage our 460 00:43:19,65 --> 00:43:24,24 budget as we go through the year and we'll have savings as we go from positions 461 00:43:24,25 --> 00:43:28,43 that become bacon Jory don't have maybe over time expenditures we anticipated 462 00:43:28,44 --> 00:43:32,92 having don't have the number of storms that we anticipate having And so we spend 463 00:43:32,93 --> 00:43:38,53 a little less every year but you can see based on the six zero seven budget we've 464 00:43:38,58 --> 00:43:45,28 gone up between about one point six percent to four point seven percent and then 465 00:43:45,29 --> 00:43:49,86 eleven twelve budget increases depending on what are savings we think it will be 466 00:43:49,87 --> 00:43:53,83 about one point eight percent to two point nine percent so we've been keeping 467 00:43:53,87 --> 00:43:59,61 though the rate of increase for the general fund budget fairly low the reason it 468 00:43:59,62 --> 00:44:03,49 was higher in ten eleven is Speaker. As the law the federal stimulus projects we 469 00:44:03,50 --> 00:44:03,64 have 470 00:44:03,65 --> 00:44:08,02 a lot more grant money that we spent last year than we would normally have and we 471 00:44:08,03 --> 00:44:13,28 don't anticipate having no amount of money next year the long term financial 472 00:44:13,29 --> 00:44:17,94 stability of the general fund requires that we keep expenses in line with our 473 00:44:17,98 --> 00:44:20,14 current revenue every year and that we have 474 00:44:20,15 --> 00:44:25,06 a stable beginning fine balance we've been able to do that for the last three years 475 00:44:25,33 --> 00:44:26,17 this year we're getting 476 00:44:26,18 --> 00:44:31,20 a little closer we think that our actual experience expenditures or be right at 477 00:44:31,21 --> 00:44:35,49 about what our current revenue is and maybe just about eight hundred thousand more 478 00:44:35,50 --> 00:44:40,31 than the next year with the person rate increases that we have we know we will be 479 00:44:40,32 --> 00:44:44,82 using some of the beginning fine balance we've built up anticipating that that 480 00:44:44,83 --> 00:44:50,25 would be the case and so we're able to do that I think with good financial reasons 481 00:44:50,57 --> 00:44:57,51 as we go into the next year. You probably can't read all of the lettering 482 00:44:57,52 --> 00:45:04,12 in white but just the visual of this chart their first bar shows. What all the 483 00:45:04,13 --> 00:45:07,09 revenue is including the white part at the top it's 484 00:45:07,10 --> 00:45:12,55 a beginning fund balance this second bar includes what our budget shows what our 485 00:45:12,56 --> 00:45:18,83 budget expenditures are and the third bar reflects that we don't spend every dollar 486 00:45:18,84 --> 00:45:22,93 that we get because as I said we have savings during the year that you can see 487 00:45:22,94 --> 00:45:27,41 based on what our savings are we'll start to draw down the beginning from balance 488 00:45:28,03 --> 00:45:34,95 in this coming fiscal year. As we move through the year 489 00:45:34,96 --> 00:45:39,69 we anticipated ending fund balance of about twelve point eight million if we save 490 00:45:39,70 --> 00:45:44,03 three percent during the hearing that it be about fifteen point eight million if we 491 00:45:44,04 --> 00:45:48,24 save about six percent during the year this savings are likely to be in the four to 492 00:45:48,25 --> 00:45:53,77 five percent range. As we begin to build out recommended budget each year we look 493 00:45:53,78 --> 00:45:59,15 at our five year pork has we look at economic. Indicators and we had some 494 00:45:59,16 --> 00:46:04,65 additional economic work from Tim do it from the University of Oregon this year and 495 00:46:04,66 --> 00:46:10,15 then we budget to make sure that the ending fund balance doesn't fall below about 496 00:46:10,16 --> 00:46:15,72 seven million the third year Al So we're looking at the coming years budget the 497 00:46:16,06 --> 00:46:20,54 year after they are in the third year to try to make sure we don't have 498 00:46:21,01 --> 00:46:23,61 a crisis in those three years so we take 499 00:46:23,62 --> 00:46:29,58 a three year look and as long as that's the case that we're not going to be below 500 00:46:29,59 --> 00:46:33,83 about seven million ending kind of balance in the third year we put our budgets 501 00:46:33,84 --> 00:46:36,87 together conservatively as soon mean that we'll have at least 502 00:46:36,88 --> 00:46:42,21 a three percent savings then as we go through the year and about January every year 503 00:46:42,22 --> 00:46:46,30 after we've received our property tax revenue I give each department is spending 504 00:46:47,03 --> 00:46:52,23 plan for what they need to bring their budget in the budgets by the end of the 505 00:46:52,24 --> 00:46:57,00 fiscal year and that's how we've been able to build up our big find balance and 506 00:46:57,26 --> 00:47:03,99 stay in stable financial shape over this time. If we can continue to keep 507 00:47:04,00 --> 00:47:08,08 ending fund balance in the third year close to seven million I think we'll be able 508 00:47:08,09 --> 00:47:13,35 to avoid any budget crisis where we have to make unexpectedly large cuts to any 509 00:47:13,36 --> 00:47:18,42 program Senator short time period this is getting more challenging because 510 00:47:18,43 --> 00:47:22,67 a person increases that happened this year and aren't has made it to happen again 511 00:47:22,68 --> 00:47:27,11 in two thousand and thirteen an artist who painted to happen again in China in two 512 00:47:27,12 --> 00:47:31,75 thousand and fifteen I think my own estimate is that's more unlikely though I don't 513 00:47:31,76 --> 00:47:35,82 think that that will continue for that long but when the next chart was show you 514 00:47:35,83 --> 00:47:41,95 that we've been able to actually continue to move the problem out one more year 515 00:47:41,96 --> 00:47:48,02 over time the dotted line is where we thought we would be last year when I did the 516 00:47:48,03 --> 00:47:53,84 budget presentation by carefully managing the budget we've been able to move that 517 00:47:53,99 --> 00:48:00,67 point where we comprise the ten million dollar infant balance and get to below zero 518 00:48:00,72 --> 00:48:06,62 out an additional year so as long as we can continue to do that again I think we 519 00:48:06,63 --> 00:48:13,59 can maintain stability within the general fund. I 520 00:48:13,60 --> 00:48:14,62 think as long as we have 521 00:48:14,63 --> 00:48:18,76 a beginning fund balance that meets Council's goal of fifteen percent of current 522 00:48:18,77 --> 00:48:23,37 revenue and that's about fourteen million dollars I don't believe we would need to 523 00:48:23,38 --> 00:48:27,73 cut programs and I wouldn't recommend getting programs until we're at that point. 524 00:48:29,73 --> 00:48:34,47 And then the difference there would be if we have infrastructure needs that are 525 00:48:34,48 --> 00:48:39,84 unexpected and we have to devote more funds for infrastructure needs the next chart 526 00:48:39,92 --> 00:48:44,05 again we've been showing this for you few years shows the permanent positions. 527 00:48:45,30 --> 00:48:49,63 Based on population so you can see that we had 528 00:48:49,64 --> 00:48:55,21 a fairly significant drop in zero seven zero eight timeframe and it's dropping just 529 00:48:55,22 --> 00:49:00,01 a little bit again this coming year be from cutting the six positions. 530 00:49:02,97 --> 00:49:09,23 This shows the position change by General find they were moving some positions 531 00:49:09,24 --> 00:49:15,23 around so that we're moving positions in areas where they're not needed as much to 532 00:49:15,24 --> 00:49:19,30 areas that are having an extremely heavy workload the net change in the general 533 00:49:19,31 --> 00:49:20,64 find us only a quarter of 534 00:49:20,65 --> 00:49:26,50 a position lost in public works we're losing one position in water and sewer four 535 00:49:26,51 --> 00:49:32,70 point two five there or is adding point two five percent position. 536 00:49:33,85 --> 00:49:35,95 And city services and fleet is cutting 537 00:49:35,96 --> 00:49:40,30 a position and so that's what this six point two five decisions are and as each 538 00:49:40,31 --> 00:49:41,23 department presents 539 00:49:41,24 --> 00:49:47,79 a budget they'll tell you more about the changes in their staffing. This shows the 540 00:49:47,80 --> 00:49:54,59 number of employees for thousand population have it changed over time. We're going 541 00:49:54,60 --> 00:49:57,30 to have to get a longer graph if 542 00:49:57,31 --> 00:50:03,22 a session continues. And then I'm going to hit some highlights about some of the 543 00:50:03,23 --> 00:50:07,77 departments in the police department were very pleased to let you know that we're 544 00:50:07,78 --> 00:50:08,87 continuing to have 545 00:50:08,88 --> 00:50:13,98 a decrease in violent crimes and property crimes and calls for service have gone 546 00:50:13,99 --> 00:50:14,39 down 547 00:50:14,40 --> 00:50:20,49 a little bit which gives police officers more time to do preventive work and respond 548 00:50:20,50 --> 00:50:25,24 to more of the calls that they have to we had noticed 549 00:50:25,37 --> 00:50:28,79 a couple of months ago from the Salem Keiser school district that because if there 550 00:50:28,80 --> 00:50:34,98 anticipated problems they wanted to reduce this school resource officers from two 551 00:50:34,99 --> 00:50:40,42 well positioned to nine the school district pays for half the annual salary of 552 00:50:40,43 --> 00:50:44,94 those positions we had received discounts on those late last year 553 00:50:44,98 --> 00:50:51,92 a federal It's called the cops grant for four positions that had some paid most to 554 00:50:51,93 --> 00:50:55,22 this hours for those positions that were there for years but had 555 00:50:55,23 --> 00:50:59,48 a restriction in committing to keeping that level of staffing at the end of the 556 00:50:59,49 --> 00:51:04,82 time we had not acted on the grant yet because we were waiting to see what our 557 00:51:04,86 --> 00:51:09,51 budget was going to look like for the coming year we have been able to work with 558 00:51:10,33 --> 00:51:16,71 finders to fill two of those positions to retain the two 559 00:51:16,72 --> 00:51:20,65 positions that were school resource resource positions that would have been cut 560 00:51:20,66 --> 00:51:25,33 otherwise so two of the cops Grant positions will keep us from having to cut 561 00:51:25,34 --> 00:51:31,65 positions and then we'll be adding the other two so staffing will actually go then 562 00:51:31,66 --> 00:51:32,23 I'll show you that in 563 00:51:32,24 --> 00:51:36,79 a minute back to one hundred ninety two police officers which is what it was about 564 00:51:36,83 --> 00:51:43,49 four years ago. In fire we don't have any operations changes again because the 565 00:51:43,50 --> 00:51:47,96 permit revenue declines we're cutting with one of the two positions that works on 566 00:51:47,97 --> 00:51:53,07 permit reviews purp I are next year they'll be completing the fire by major 567 00:51:53,08 --> 00:51:57,45 projects where. The fire department has completely moved back into station one 568 00:51:57,46 --> 00:52:01,38 which was the last fire station to get seismic retrofitting but we'll be doing 569 00:52:01,39 --> 00:52:06,80 a little bit Rima for remodeling and for other stations next year streets and 570 00:52:06,81 --> 00:52:09,68 sidewalks but the general fund budget is transferring 571 00:52:09,69 --> 00:52:16,01 a million dollars from general fund into transportation last year was one point two 572 00:52:16,02 --> 00:52:21,40 million this type of program is continuing as we have finding or adding one 573 00:52:21,41 --> 00:52:26,25 maintenance operator and signs of markings because of the workload Parks and 574 00:52:26,26 --> 00:52:31,40 Recreation no changes to the program as you know we've had it for parks three that 575 00:52:31,41 --> 00:52:35,49 are under construction in kelp road park which will start in your construction this 576 00:52:35,50 --> 00:52:40,58 year continuing the recreation programs will have the aquatics program at all 577 00:52:40,59 --> 00:52:46,50 linger this year and then the budget that you'll see also has finding the four May 578 00:52:46,51 --> 00:52:50,90 and June of two thousand and twelve for aquatics programs at both the holding your 579 00:52:50,91 --> 00:52:55,51 and Walker pools whether we'll be able to continue those programs depends on the 580 00:52:55,52 --> 00:52:59,85 availability of those two poles and we do we believe they will be available we 581 00:52:59,89 --> 00:53:05,19 don't have that information yet. Social services spending is about flat from last 582 00:53:05,20 --> 00:53:09,96 year at six hundred forty nine thousand to that general fund contribution as well 583 00:53:09,97 --> 00:53:16,18 as the block grant where finishing our sustainable cities initiative projects and 584 00:53:16,19 --> 00:53:19,97 we have some funds available in the budget to take the next steps and departments 585 00:53:19,98 --> 00:53:23,89 will go over that information with you the water and sewer budget has 586 00:53:23,90 --> 00:53:27,87 a three percent rate increase it city council approved for January of two thousand 587 00:53:27,88 --> 00:53:32,39 and twelve we did not have an increase of January eleventh and because of that in 588 00:53:32,40 --> 00:53:36,06 the just ongoing economic decline we've cut six and 589 00:53:36,07 --> 00:53:42,37 a half positions from that. In terms of economic development as you know we've Home 590 00:53:42,38 --> 00:53:48,11 Depot opened their rapid deployment center this year kettle Foods has an expansion 591 00:53:48,12 --> 00:53:48,78 garment has 592 00:53:48,79 --> 00:53:54,18 a new technology call center Trader Joe's is coming we're starting see Portier is 593 00:53:54,19 --> 00:53:55,36 starting to provide 594 00:53:55,37 --> 00:53:59,89 a commercial air service on April twenty fifth there's been many more economic. 595 00:54:01,18 --> 00:54:04,72 Opportunities that have come to fruition in the last year and John Wells will talk 596 00:54:04,73 --> 00:54:10,12 about that when he does his budget. I want to talk 597 00:54:10,13 --> 00:54:13,04 a little bit more about some of the challenges that we have and 598 00:54:13,10 --> 00:54:19,85 a little more property tax compression in this graph shows that information. 599 00:54:20,88 --> 00:54:26,33 Property taxes limited to ten dollars per thousand in real market value on property 600 00:54:26,65 --> 00:54:32,41 and property tax are calculated based on assessed valuation. Assessed valuation can 601 00:54:32,42 --> 00:54:33,29 grow three percent 602 00:54:33,30 --> 00:54:38,19 a year issue probably all know from your property tax bills but then as real market 603 00:54:38,20 --> 00:54:40,92 value decreases as A.P. 604 00:54:40,93 --> 00:54:44,52 Grows and real market values increase decrease in about five percent 605 00:54:44,61 --> 00:54:51,46 a year when those start aligning or real market bellowed value drops below assess 606 00:54:51,47 --> 00:54:55,44 valuation we end up in compression in a way to 607 00:54:55,45 --> 00:54:59,85 a nine we lost about one hundred ninety seven thousand dollars to compression in 608 00:54:59,86 --> 00:55:04,17 nine ten and about almost three hundred thousand. And and in ten eleven four 609 00:55:04,18 --> 00:55:09,01 hundred and one thousand so that trend is continuing to go up we know we will 610 00:55:09,02 --> 00:55:14,71 continue more continue to have additional compression over the next few years and 611 00:55:14,72 --> 00:55:16,90 it can get to be significant within about 612 00:55:16,91 --> 00:55:22,69 a two or three year time frame construction industry doesn't change or other 613 00:55:22,70 --> 00:55:29,29 economic factors don't change that prediction. So it's something we'll be watching 614 00:55:29,30 --> 00:55:36,13 carefully. We still have the general fund imbalance we have flatter 615 00:55:36,14 --> 00:55:39,58 declining revenues in our costs are increasing more than our revenues are 616 00:55:39,59 --> 00:55:46,26 increasing so will we know from our economic forecasts that it's not anticipated 617 00:55:46,27 --> 00:55:51,07 that employment in the same area will go back to prerecession numbers and tell 618 00:55:51,08 --> 00:55:55,94 about twenty fifteen I think when that forecast was stunned No it wasn't known in 619 00:55:55,95 --> 00:56:00,17 the number of state layoffs that might happen or that our school district might be 620 00:56:00,18 --> 00:56:04,100 cutting six hundred jobs so it may be longer than there has to experience of 621 00:56:05,01 --> 00:56:11,32 changes and unless we have growth with either more jobs or more population or new 622 00:56:11,33 --> 00:56:15,23 construction our revenue picture is not likely to change over the next several 623 00:56:15,24 --> 00:56:20,08 years so I think it's important when we first started this and three years ago we 624 00:56:20,09 --> 00:56:24,96 were thinking it might be one or two years I'm really anticipating it could be five 625 00:56:24,97 --> 00:56:26,73 or six years from now before we see 626 00:56:26,74 --> 00:56:31,82 a market change in our revenue picture and then is the other agencies struggle with 627 00:56:31,83 --> 00:56:36,29 theirs budgets has its head before I think we're going to have more challenges when 628 00:56:36,30 --> 00:56:41,34 that's currently before us that we're talking about with the share of. Their budget 629 00:56:41,35 --> 00:56:47,18 declines that like us to start paying for jail beds for Minas full court violations 630 00:56:47,55 --> 00:56:52,30 we don't do that now that there's been an agreement not to bed as everyone has 631 00:56:52,31 --> 00:56:56,85 pressures on their own budget they're moving costs on to other agencies will 632 00:56:56,86 --> 00:57:02,21 continue to work on the out hers again will continue I think. It be 633 00:57:02,22 --> 00:57:06,35 a challenge and hell that becomes healthy again and then I would anticipate that 634 00:57:06,36 --> 00:57:10,39 those rates would go down it's important to remember that the increases in the 635 00:57:10,40 --> 00:57:14,89 purse freights aren't to improve anyone's retirement it's to make sure that the 636 00:57:14,90 --> 00:57:20,89 fund is adequately funded and can meet its obligations ever changes we anticipated 637 00:57:20,90 --> 00:57:25,43 last year that health rates would increase about fifteen percent in January we made 638 00:57:25,44 --> 00:57:29,92 some changes to the plan many of the employee groups are paying higher deductibles 639 00:57:29,93 --> 00:57:32,63 we've moved to a different pharmacy plan we got 640 00:57:32,64 --> 00:57:36,20 a new third party administrator and our increase was only six and 641 00:57:36,21 --> 00:57:41,23 a half percent rather than fifteen percent the current budget anticipates an 642 00:57:41,24 --> 00:57:45,65 increase of twelve percent next year that's our best estimate at this time but as 643 00:57:45,66 --> 00:57:48,36 we get those numbers in late fall will adjust them. 644 00:57:52,48 --> 00:57:57,15 So in closing the budget stable with some position reductions while we you know 645 00:57:57,16 --> 00:58:01,45 we're going to have challenges coming up I don't think we need to make the program 646 00:58:01,46 --> 00:58:06,47 cuts over the next year we have the money to be able to continue to provide all 647 00:58:06,48 --> 00:58:10,65 these services to and to the community and we've been saving money knowing that we 648 00:58:10,66 --> 00:58:16,24 were going to get to this point. I will tell you though departments are beginning I 649 00:58:16,25 --> 00:58:21,28 think to have more strain from Keeping Up with the workload that everyone has and 650 00:58:21,29 --> 00:58:25,100 how long we'll be able to continue to go with having increased workload demands 651 00:58:26,01 --> 00:58:30,79 without increased staff I think is limited and so we may have to look at 652 00:58:30,80 --> 00:58:36,47 restructuring departments just to handle that we are still looking I just want to 653 00:58:36,61 --> 00:58:39,06 flag this for you one position in I.T. 654 00:58:39,07 --> 00:58:42,61 That we're continuing to analyze so we may come back within or rather in 655 00:58:42,62 --> 00:58:48,13 a couple of weeks for that position as we do that analysis so I think in the future 656 00:58:48,14 --> 00:58:51,55 reductions are not going to be easy they're programs that we have are well 657 00:58:51,56 --> 00:58:55,58 supported by the community I know that Council supports the services that we 658 00:58:55,59 --> 00:58:59,89 provide right now and I'm sure budget committee members and general do so we'll be 659 00:59:00,08 --> 00:59:04,16 over the next year really looking carefully at our services seeing what other 660 00:59:04,20 --> 00:59:09,13 creative approaches we might be able to take to reduce our costs as we go forward 661 00:59:09,14 --> 00:59:14,32 but the next discussions I think are going to be pretty long and involved so that's 662 00:59:14,33 --> 00:59:16,11 the general fund budget mass H. 663 00:59:16,12 --> 00:59:21,19 And Madam Chair if they're any questions I'd be happy to answer them. Thank you and 664 00:59:21,19 --> 00:59:27,25 . The manager NORRIS Do we have any questions staff member and. 665 00:59:28,84 --> 00:59:35,34 Thank you editor in regards to the terms they will budget this year go with it we 666 00:59:35,35 --> 00:59:35,51 have 667 00:59:35,52 --> 00:59:42,37 a light that goes like that. And basically pigs and they get is we getting balance 668 00:59:42,83 --> 00:59:48,88 can you address why we are trying to do something about that. Will that mean. 669 00:59:50,34 --> 00:59:55,51 We we will be starting the year we anticipate with this sixteen point eight million 670 00:59:55,52 --> 01:00:00,50 and beginning fine balance and as I said counsel policy is that we're at fourteen 671 01:00:00,51 --> 01:00:06,75 million or the fifteen percent so I think as long as we have the funds to do so we 672 01:00:06,76 --> 01:00:13,03 should continue to provide their service is that the community once and then take 673 01:00:13,04 --> 01:00:17,90 this. Time over the next year or two continue to look at whether there are ways 674 01:00:17,91 --> 01:00:24,58 that we can continue to reduce costs we will make sure we don't hit the ten 675 01:00:24,59 --> 01:00:28,95 million and you know at that point that we would be making some pretty you know 676 01:00:28,96 --> 01:00:33,84 some other significant budget changes my recommendation is we don't have to 677 01:00:33,85 --> 01:00:40,21 decrease programs or further cut programs in the next year. His are still in 678 01:00:40,22 --> 01:00:45,07 a very solid. State in terms of our Fit beginning fine balance. 679 01:00:48,12 --> 01:00:54,85 Their questions. Thank you very much I think we're ready. 680 01:00:56,07 --> 01:01:02,85 To get up and. Snuffle Well we do I want to present just quickly the urban 681 01:01:02,86 --> 01:01:08,16 renewal budget to you. And this fund will be 682 01:01:08,17 --> 01:01:14,95 a little faster. Tonight we'll be talking about the 683 01:01:14,96 --> 01:01:20,03 urban renewal budget it's finding I just an overview of that they say 684 01:01:20,04 --> 01:01:23,74 a lot of this even renewable areas and then we'll have some slides that show some 685 01:01:23,75 --> 01:01:27,45 of this success stories from urban renewal as you know this is 686 01:01:27,46 --> 01:01:33,82 a tool that stimulates private investment removes barriers to redevelop May and 687 01:01:33,83 --> 01:01:36,42 then each of the areas social show you will have 688 01:01:36,43 --> 01:01:42,61 a specific area plan of what you will area is intended to accomplish. 689 01:01:44,15 --> 01:01:50,98 In terms of urban renewal finding when an urban renewal areas establish this house 690 01:01:50,99 --> 01:01:57,59 values are frozen and then local taxing jurisdiction continue to receive that tax 691 01:01:57,60 --> 01:02:03,12 and mail that they had been receiving before and then the any tax increment from 692 01:02:03,13 --> 01:02:07,55 New were new revenue that's about that amount goes towards projects to achieve 693 01:02:07,56 --> 01:02:14,11 their goals in that time and that area excuse me. Their statutory 694 01:02:14,12 --> 01:02:19,54 limitations on urban renewal areas we can have more than fifteen percent of 695 01:02:19,55 --> 01:02:25,06 assessed valuation you are eighty and we're at five point three percent we can't 696 01:02:25,07 --> 01:02:30,31 have more than fifteen percent of the city's area in an urban renewal area and it's 697 01:02:30,32 --> 01:02:34,04 a lot more twelve point three percent that plan also has 698 01:02:34,05 --> 01:02:40,25 a maximum indebtedness limit and taxi agreements limited to capital projects so 699 01:02:40,26 --> 01:02:40,46 there's 700 01:02:40,47 --> 01:02:47,15 a limit on how you can use the funds. This doesn't show it very clearly you trying 701 01:02:47,16 --> 01:02:51,34 to get the Salem city may have to care but this shows and indication of where they 702 01:02:51,35 --> 01:02:58,30 ate urban renewal areas are in the community. This shows that 703 01:02:58,31 --> 01:03:01,75 Texas incriminate history and I'm sorry you are unable to see 704 01:03:01,76 --> 01:03:05,56 a couple of those back rows in general we've seen 705 01:03:05,57 --> 01:03:10,63 a steady growth from taxing permit revenues South waterfront district that one 706 01:03:10,64 --> 01:03:16,38 where the former Boise project is is the exception due to the declining value in 707 01:03:16,42 --> 01:03:17,37 them or a D.N.A. 708 01:03:17,38 --> 01:03:21,21 And they have been taken down the buildings that were at that Boise site that's 709 01:03:21,22 --> 01:03:24,68 lost some of their value on their own land at the current time so currently we're 710 01:03:24,69 --> 01:03:30,88 not seeing an increase in value there. So when you go over some of the 711 01:03:30,89 --> 01:03:34,39 areas in Pringle Creek this is you are 712 01:03:34,40 --> 01:03:38,20 a that will be closing in December two thousand and eleven councils made that 713 01:03:38,21 --> 01:03:42,80 decision we stopped collecting tax increment revenue in the ninety two ninety three 714 01:03:43,47 --> 01:03:49,11 year these are some of the success stories we had community hall the library 715 01:03:49,12 --> 01:03:55,28 expansion most recently to ninety five Church Street project we have mixed use 716 01:03:55,29 --> 01:04:01,50 development along the mill race. And in number I have seen the before and after 717 01:04:01,51 --> 01:04:03,37 pictures that this area and I think it's been 718 01:04:03,38 --> 01:04:09,42 a significant change with the urban renewal finds it here riverfront downtown 719 01:04:10,18 --> 01:04:14,75 this shows what some of the programs are the air and the graph gives you an idea of 720 01:04:14,88 --> 01:04:20,78 what their. Riverfront increment revenue has and it was established this point in 721 01:04:20,79 --> 01:04:23,85 one thousand nine hundred eighty five in the goals of this plan or to attract 722 01:04:23,86 --> 01:04:29,47 housing and retain commercial businesses in the core we continue to fund programs 723 01:04:29,48 --> 01:04:34,18 to do that and have had great successes as one of the most successful you are 724 01:04:34,19 --> 01:04:41,16 a set the city hands. In some of the photographs some of the projects that 725 01:04:41,17 --> 01:04:46,78 have been funded with this urban renewal area tax increment funds we have parking 726 01:04:46,79 --> 01:04:51,52 structures and sky bridges stance and we do weather protection streetscape 727 01:04:51,53 --> 01:04:56,82 improvements as you know riverfront park in the conference center we have house 728 01:04:57,02 --> 01:05:03,06 housing commercial projects going on in the north downtown we have tool box 729 01:05:03,07 --> 01:05:07,29 incentives for private investment in property improvements and then conversion of 730 01:05:07,30 --> 01:05:14,03 the railroad bridge this shows what some of the successes have been with the box 731 01:05:14,04 --> 01:05:20,39 loan programs and with changing the look at the property downtown. Then for North 732 01:05:20,40 --> 01:05:25,93 Broadway area eighty we've had eighteen thousand eighteen thousand square foot 733 01:05:25,94 --> 01:05:27,24 every Chapa said 734 01:05:27,31 --> 01:05:31,76 a small scale movie house developed there are sixteen town homes and twenty one 735 01:05:31,77 --> 01:05:33,66 apartments site B. 736 01:05:33,67 --> 01:05:37,92 We've had fifty five affordable housing units twelve thousand five hundred square 737 01:05:37,93 --> 01:05:43,13 foot of space where the wide open you see is an additional retail and Site C. 738 01:05:43,14 --> 01:05:47,50 Is under construction but right now we have commercial office church programs have 739 01:05:47,51 --> 01:05:54,37 four hundred seat auditorium and onsite parking. And again. That's been 740 01:05:54,38 --> 01:05:59,71 very successful the Fairview industrial park area was established in one thousand 741 01:05:59,72 --> 01:06:03,00 nine hundred four and the purpose here was meeting infrastructure and attracting 742 01:06:03,01 --> 01:06:07,39 industrial development right now at this point is approaching its maximum depth 743 01:06:07,78 --> 01:06:10,76 broke continue to do marketing and we have 744 01:06:10,80 --> 01:06:15,31 a newly created small business loan program the council approved about three months 745 01:06:15,32 --> 01:06:21,67 ago in ten eleven two major projects were completed this strong road project and 746 01:06:21,68 --> 01:06:26,30 required wetland medication. So photographs there. 747 01:06:29,58 --> 01:06:35,57 North Gate way was established in one nine hundred ninety four the purpose of. The 748 01:06:35,58 --> 01:06:39,98 wreckage made recommended budget includes situational payments to retire the 749 01:06:39,99 --> 01:06:45,03 outstanding debt early and projects for eleven twelve or part primarily carry over 750 01:06:45,04 --> 01:06:50,31 from their previous years the advisory group rate this area has 751 01:06:50,32 --> 01:06:55,57 a strong commitment to find the Portland road improvements face to have asked that 752 01:06:55,58 --> 01:07:02,55 most funds be used for that purpose. And this shows what some 753 01:07:02,56 --> 01:07:09,43 of the changes have been in this area. The West Salem urban 754 01:07:09,44 --> 01:07:13,41 renewal area was established in two thousand and one and it's just been in the last 755 01:07:13,42 --> 01:07:17,70 two years where we're seeing tax increment in that area we've gone through 756 01:07:17,71 --> 01:07:22,19 a planning process we have an action plan that was adopted in two thousand and ten 757 01:07:22,54 --> 01:07:23,56 so some of the M. 758 01:07:23,57 --> 01:07:27,82 Prove Mintz here are for potential acquisition of opportunities sites trial 759 01:07:27,83 --> 01:07:32,38 improvements along Wallace marine park design improvements to second Street and 760 01:07:32,39 --> 01:07:38,98 some alone in granite and pedestrian way improvements. This shows 761 01:07:39,32 --> 01:07:46,05 just an example of one of the. Businesses that was rehabbed to in that area. Mill 762 01:07:46,06 --> 01:07:50,90 Creek industrial park was established in two thousand and five for industrial 763 01:07:50,91 --> 01:07:55,82 development this is in cooperation with the state is them sure you know we have two 764 01:07:55,83 --> 01:08:01,73 companies located there in the Federal Express and the Home Depot rapid deployment 765 01:08:01,74 --> 01:08:07,48 center where are they going to be completing the wetlands projects that have been 766 01:08:07,49 --> 01:08:13,18 under him to sign for some time and we're also the college reservoir which will 767 01:08:13,19 --> 01:08:19,90 provide fire flow water pressure to that area. In the Home Depot and Fed 768 01:08:19,91 --> 01:08:26,75 Ex photographs. The McGill crest U R E was formed in two thousand and six with one 769 01:08:26,76 --> 01:08:29,24 project to improve that street and bring 770 01:08:29,25 --> 01:08:33,03 a total of one hundred twenty additional acres of industrial and commercial 771 01:08:33,04 --> 01:08:38,84 property into the urban service area and in eleven twelve will complete to sign it 772 01:08:38,85 --> 01:08:43,07 the road improvements are will begin design of the road improvements and then the 773 01:08:43,08 --> 01:08:48,33 last twenty is south water where the former Boise site was it was established in 774 01:08:48,34 --> 01:08:53,60 two thousand and seven we had Issue No one Urban Land Institute study that helped 775 01:08:53,64 --> 01:08:58,63 guide this owning and the development of that area and I said they were evaluation 776 01:08:58,64 --> 01:09:03,11 of their Meridian prize project and loss of value due to demolishing some of the 777 01:09:03,12 --> 01:09:08,08 buildings on the Boise site have decreased the increment that we received this year 778 01:09:08,68 --> 01:09:12,86 but we expect great things in the future for that area and are sure that it will 779 01:09:12,87 --> 01:09:18,65 continue to improve as those projects go forward so that includes concludes the 780 01:09:18,66 --> 01:09:24,43 urban renewal overview and if there any questions in there are now the chair and 781 01:09:24,50 --> 01:09:24,81 M.P. 782 01:09:24,82 --> 01:09:32,23 Day answer this do we have any questions. Thank 783 01:09:32,27 --> 01:09:38,86 you very much. Snow. 784 01:09:41,80 --> 01:09:46,16 Like to have staff please help distribute the budgets to the Budget Committee I 785 01:09:46,17 --> 01:09:50,72 plan to go through those books you'll see there balloonists like to provide you an 786 01:09:50,73 --> 01:09:55,76 orientation as to what's in there and where to find it so if you hold on just 787 01:09:55,77 --> 01:09:57,79 a moment while those books are distributed that be great. 788 01:10:32,00 --> 01:10:38,85 These are yours to keep and read and enjoy as we go through the budget process 789 01:10:39,87 --> 01:10:46,59 argue to you. Like to just familiarize your you 790 01:10:47,47 --> 01:10:52,76 Budget Committee members with what's in the document so that you can perhaps as you 791 01:10:52,77 --> 01:10:57,04 peruse it and prepare for the forthcoming meetings you know where to find some 792 01:10:57,05 --> 01:11:00,88 cross-reference information and information about the departments we're about to 793 01:11:00,89 --> 01:11:05,66 hear from. The budget messages we have got tabs for 794 01:11:05,67 --> 01:11:09,72 a variety of these things as you can see there's the tab for the budget message and 795 01:11:09,73 --> 01:11:10,19 this is 796 01:11:10,65 --> 01:11:14,39 a lot of the information that the city manager just presented but it provides 797 01:11:14,40 --> 01:11:17,27 actually quite a bit more detail and I would suggest that you take 798 01:11:17,28 --> 01:11:20,19 a look at that it's twelve pages that eleven and 799 01:11:20,20 --> 01:11:27,12 a half pages and we're worth your time to read that over. We provide in the 800 01:11:27,13 --> 01:11:31,36 next tab some summary pages so this will give you the big picture of where we are 801 01:11:31,37 --> 01:11:36,23 with our budget on the first page you can see our budget is the four hundred three 802 01:11:36,24 --> 01:11:41,58 million dollars of expenditures that the city manager pointed out earlier and we 803 01:11:41,59 --> 01:11:46,02 have the an appropriated balance of forty nine million dollars This is all of the 804 01:11:46,03 --> 01:11:52,72 funds in the city represented on this table here. On the next page FS two we 805 01:11:52,73 --> 01:11:57,47 recap the expenditures once again but we provide some comparison so you'll see we 806 01:11:57,48 --> 01:12:02,90 have the adopted ten eleven budget compared to the twelve eleven twelve budget same 807 01:12:02,91 --> 01:12:09,86 group of funds. And then the following page F S three breaks down the fund 808 01:12:09,90 --> 01:12:15,30 budgets for eleven twelve as proposed by category the organ budget law requires us 809 01:12:15,31 --> 01:12:20,95 to maintain information at this level and as such we provided that to you as you 810 01:12:20,96 --> 01:12:24,43 can see if the four hundred three million dollars budget one hundred twenty five 811 01:12:24,44 --> 01:12:25,54 thousand one hundred but about 812 01:12:25,55 --> 01:12:32,52 a million is for personal services. Moving on to the next page 813 01:12:32,53 --> 01:12:38,74 F S four and five we provide by the breakdown of the property tax levy and this 814 01:12:38,75 --> 01:12:43,34 would be for the operating budget on the first row on page F S four and our debt 815 01:12:43,35 --> 01:12:47,96 service levy on the next row we will be covering these in 816 01:12:47,97 --> 01:12:52,19 a little bit more detail as we have the budget committee approved the levy for the 817 01:12:52,20 --> 01:12:58,07 forthcoming year. And then we provide you are estimated assessed property value and 818 01:12:58,08 --> 01:13:03,20 in order to achieve our projected collections we are anticipating that the assessed 819 01:13:03,21 --> 01:13:07,83 value would go up by four percent we are not certain that that will happen and as 820 01:13:07,94 --> 01:13:11,38 the city manager pointed out we will be keeping an eye on that throughout the year 821 01:13:11,38 --> 01:13:17,79 . The next couple of pages FS six and seven show the resources that come into the 822 01:13:17,80 --> 01:13:22,91 general fund and this pie chart was shared with you in the overhead presentation 823 01:13:23,63 --> 01:13:27,34 but what might be interesting to some of you is the history that's provided on the 824 01:13:27,78 --> 01:13:32,34 facing page F S seven we show actual information for two years and what we've 825 01:13:32,35 --> 01:13:38,67 adopted in our current year as well as some compare are some color 826 01:13:39,61 --> 01:13:45,65 differences and percentages. On the next two pages we have the same information but 827 01:13:45,66 --> 01:13:51,25 for the expenditure side of the general fund pie chart. Need by history and we've 828 01:13:51,26 --> 01:13:54,86 broken down the general fund by departments so that you can make some departmental 829 01:13:54,87 --> 01:14:01,11 comparisons. On the next series of pages page. 830 01:14:03,38 --> 01:14:07,77 And Perceptor old Beyond that if you really want to drill down even more here's 831 01:14:07,78 --> 01:14:11,11 summary level information that provides by department 832 01:14:11,12 --> 01:14:16,15 a history of the categorical breakdown which is the personal services materials and 833 01:14:16,16 --> 01:14:22,03 services by each department division within the general fund and sometimes that's 834 01:14:22,04 --> 01:14:27,91 all you might want to look at now you know where to find it. This continues on 835 01:14:27,99 --> 01:14:34,02 through page FS fourteen for the general fund and then we actually can have that 836 01:14:34,03 --> 01:14:39,25 same information provided for the other funds all the other funds such as the 837 01:14:39,26 --> 01:14:45,12 Public Works fund the water and sewer fun. Of our capital improvement funds every 838 01:14:45,13 --> 01:14:49,98 single fund has this breakdown and the value here is showing the history of how 839 01:14:49,99 --> 01:14:55,07 these funds revenues and expenditures have occurred and then where we are proposing 840 01:14:55,08 --> 01:15:00,23 that we go within the budget. The next tab in the budget contains revenue 841 01:15:00,24 --> 01:15:04,82 information and we really go into detail in the general fund revenue category or 842 01:15:04,83 --> 01:15:11,58 revenue area we have on page our one proposed fee adjustments. Not 843 01:15:11,59 --> 01:15:16,26 certain at this point what change are we have in resources we're looking at our 844 01:15:16,27 --> 01:15:20,66 coast presently to determine if the rate and what kind of increase the rate 845 01:15:20,67 --> 01:15:25,93 increase will have considering there is conservation going on and some other saving 846 01:15:25,94 --> 01:15:30,32 issues so it looks like the only fee increase we have contained in the budget in 847 01:15:30,33 --> 01:15:36,24 terms of recognizable dollars is our downtown parking tax rate. If as we have more 848 01:15:36,25 --> 01:15:41,73 information we will provide that to you. The next several pages provide line item 849 01:15:41,74 --> 01:15:46,46 detail of the resources coming into the general fund as required by Oregon budget 850 01:15:46,47 --> 01:15:51,76 law were part providing two years of actual information our current year budget and 851 01:15:51,77 --> 01:15:55,57 then the fourth numeric column over indicates what our estimate is for the current 852 01:15:55,58 --> 01:16:00,61 year at this time then we've also included the proposed budget for eleven twelve. 853 01:16:01,97 --> 01:16:02,19 Give you 854 01:16:02,20 --> 01:16:06,69 a perspective on all of our multitude of revenue sources into the general fund. 855 01:16:07,47 --> 01:16:11,13 What kind of detail we have and then if you have any questions about the 856 01:16:11,14 --> 01:16:15,89 assumptions that were used in the budget there are several pages of narrative 857 01:16:15,93 --> 01:16:22,14 written about where we've derived those proposed revenues from and what kinds of 858 01:16:22,15 --> 01:16:26,07 trends might be occurring that would have caused us to think that they are going to 859 01:16:26,08 --> 01:16:32,96 be what they are. That goes on 860 01:16:32,97 --> 01:16:38,94 through page are sixteen and then pages are seventeen eighteen and nineteen towards 861 01:16:38,95 --> 01:16:44,24 the back of this tab section provides an overview of what we call some of our 862 01:16:44,25 --> 01:16:50,90 internal reimbursements. And the general fund in many cases this is depicting the 863 01:16:50,91 --> 01:16:57,60 general fund houses the employees that actually do the work for other funds and of 864 01:16:57,61 --> 01:17:02,11 course we make sure that the general fund is reimbursed for that work and the cost 865 01:17:02,12 --> 01:17:03,65 of it this provides 866 01:17:03,69 --> 01:17:08,47 a table that shows for example just taking that first one public works department 867 01:17:08,81 --> 01:17:13,14 is actually paying the police department sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars for 868 01:17:14,15 --> 01:17:20,41 help in community events and some patrol work there so as you read across the top 869 01:17:20,42 --> 01:17:25,47 is the fund and then down the side is the department which would be providing the 870 01:17:25,48 --> 01:17:32,08 service to this fair experience funds. That on page or twenty is yet another 871 01:17:32,09 --> 01:17:36,84 breakdown of general fund research what we call restricted in on restricted revenue 872 01:17:37,41 --> 01:17:41,62 restricted revenue is something things like grants that are given to the police 873 01:17:41,63 --> 01:17:42,21 department for 874 01:17:42,22 --> 01:17:47,46 a specific purpose we can't use that grant money for anything but the grant purpose 875 01:17:47,76 --> 01:17:52,83 of the police department in my example here but there are. Planning fees if it 876 01:17:52,84 --> 01:17:56,79 weren't for the planning department we wouldn't be collecting planning fees these 877 01:17:56,80 --> 01:18:01,67 kinds of things are depicted on the left the fee is described in then if you read 878 01:18:01,68 --> 01:18:03,79 across the top and see where there is 879 01:18:03,80 --> 01:18:08,96 a number you'll see where that they meet and you will be gable to ask. Tain which 880 01:18:08,100 --> 01:18:15,70 department might take in specific fees or grants as it pertains to them. 881 01:18:17,87 --> 01:18:22,19 The next step section is the general fund and you have several tabs in there for 882 01:18:22,20 --> 01:18:27,72 each department this is where the actual budget starts to unfold. 883 01:18:29,10 --> 01:18:32,58 And I'd like to just step you through one of the departments because all of them 884 01:18:32,62 --> 01:18:36,48 are presented in the same passion I've selected the community development 885 01:18:36,49 --> 01:18:43,14 department which starts on page thirty one in this section. You'll see there is 886 01:18:43,15 --> 01:18:48,57 a pink page that begins each department and this provides just 887 01:18:48,58 --> 01:18:52,82 a very high level overview of what kinds of departments or divisions they are 888 01:18:52,83 --> 01:18:58,34 responsible for the items in bold are the general fund items in this case are the 889 01:18:58,35 --> 01:19:02,95 items the departments behind the divisions behind this page whereas the building 890 01:19:02,96 --> 01:19:09,16 and safety fund is located elsewhere in the budget and is not in bold. We have some 891 01:19:09,87 --> 01:19:14,58 summary tables here breaking down this department into its divisions that operates 892 01:19:14,59 --> 01:19:19,34 with administration planning and neighborhood enhanced meant again we show history 893 01:19:19,35 --> 01:19:23,95 the adopted budget in the proposed budget some percentage changes for the 894 01:19:23,96 --> 01:19:30,12 department overall in the bottom numeric table we provide the categorical breakdown 895 01:19:30,13 --> 01:19:34,64 that's the personal services materials and services and capital outlay or any other 896 01:19:34,65 --> 01:19:40,86 category they might have spending in such as the debt or contingencies. As well as 897 01:19:40,87 --> 01:19:47,46 the number of full time employees. On the next page page thirty two for each 898 01:19:47,47 --> 01:19:52,22 department we've assembled highlights and significant changes so this is what you 899 01:19:52,23 --> 01:19:56,54 could expect to see different that would be happening in the proposed budget that 900 01:19:56,55 --> 01:20:02,73 may not necessarily be happening right now and we've also initiated the beginning 901 01:20:02,74 --> 01:20:06,54 of performance measures as you may recall last year we identified areas that we 902 01:20:06,55 --> 01:20:12,37 would be measuring this year we provided some metric information to support those. 903 01:20:14,40 --> 01:20:18,86 On the next series of pages then we break down each division that was mentioned 904 01:20:18,90 --> 01:20:23,82 earlier the administration planning and they were Hood enhanced meant this first 905 01:20:23,83 --> 01:20:27,72 section is the administration and it just has one program area with it under this 906 01:20:27,73 --> 01:20:32,84 what we do heading and this talks about what is done in this particular division 907 01:20:32,88 --> 01:20:35,82 and that it takes four employees as noted at 908 01:20:35,83 --> 01:20:42,67 a cost of four hundred nineteen thousand dollars. If you turn to. The next page 909 01:20:43,36 --> 01:20:47,33 you'll see what's called Page thirty four you'll see what's called an what we call 910 01:20:47,34 --> 01:20:54,09 an explanation page These are areas of detail we've had numerous 911 01:20:54,10 --> 01:20:58,01 questions on over the years and have found it best just to provide that information 912 01:20:58,02 --> 01:21:02,85 up front so US budget committee members on the public will know what kind of 913 01:21:02,86 --> 01:21:09,28 training in this example will be utilized by this particular division. We'll look 914 01:21:09,29 --> 01:21:10,21 at another page in just 915 01:21:10,22 --> 01:21:16,13 a minute there's actually more detail in other more. Complex areas of this 916 01:21:16,14 --> 01:21:22,00 particular department on the following page page thirty five if you are really 917 01:21:22,01 --> 01:21:23,39 liking numbers we have 918 01:21:23,40 --> 01:21:28,34 a pages of numbers for you as well this provides the line item detail for this 919 01:21:28,35 --> 01:21:33,01 division here two years of history the current budget and the proposed budget. 920 01:21:36,56 --> 01:21:39,02 Just for example to show you something 921 01:21:39,03 --> 01:21:42,50 a little more complex the planning division on the next page page thirty six 922 01:21:42,51 --> 01:21:47,97 actually has four program areas under the what we do and you can see how that 923 01:21:48,01 --> 01:21:49,39 starts to play out when there's 924 01:21:49,40 --> 01:21:55,22 a little more complexity in that particular division so they've broken their work 925 01:21:55,23 --> 01:22:01,06 down in three areas and provided staffing and cost information on that and then the 926 01:22:01,07 --> 01:22:03,62 explanation page also has because this is 927 01:22:03,63 --> 01:22:09,09 a larger budget there's more things being spent and purchased and pursued within 928 01:22:09,10 --> 01:22:16,02 these programs and they're detailed on this explanation page. It's the 929 01:22:16,03 --> 01:22:22,69 next section of the budget I would like to cover. Is. 930 01:22:25,37 --> 01:22:29,41 The other other funds this is the general fund as I said earlier this is the way we 931 01:22:29,42 --> 01:22:34,66 lay it out for each of the departments so you can expect to see the same assembly 932 01:22:34,67 --> 01:22:40,29 of information and how to have it unfold in the similar way. The next tab in your 933 01:22:40,30 --> 01:22:44,99 budget the Met primary tab or main tab would be Airport fund and there is 934 01:22:45,00 --> 01:22:51,56 a series of fund tabs provided for all of the remaining funds in what we call Book 935 01:22:51,57 --> 01:22:55,03 one and all explain the book one two and three situation and in 936 01:22:55,04 --> 01:22:58,32 a moment. But these are presented in just 937 01:22:58,33 --> 01:23:03,69 a slightly different way if you could turn your pat page on building and safety 938 01:23:03,76 --> 01:23:07,98 because that is also in the Community Development Department that starts on page 939 01:23:08,30 --> 01:23:14,01 two hundred seven. I'll just point out the highlights of the significant changes if 940 01:23:14,02 --> 01:23:17,23 you will note on the Pink Page to put back 941 01:23:17,24 --> 01:23:20,21 a page if you already passed it that the building and safety department is 942 01:23:20,22 --> 01:23:24,88 highlighted or bolded on this page and the other ones are not bolted because this 943 01:23:24,89 --> 01:23:30,54 is the building and safety section that's going to be presented. On the summary 944 01:23:30,55 --> 01:23:35,03 page new this year we've added right there upfront revenue the major major revenue 945 01:23:35,04 --> 01:23:40,52 sources for this fund and they are they total make the total but they're 946 01:23:40,53 --> 01:23:46,03 categorized in these large categorical areas so you can quickly glance at it and 947 01:23:46,04 --> 01:23:48,89 see the revenue minus expenditures and what kind of 948 01:23:48,90 --> 01:23:55,40 a balance you get with that. Again we provide you the expense side and following 949 01:23:55,41 --> 01:23:59,81 the numeric tables we have the highlights and significant changes once again this 950 01:23:59,82 --> 01:24:04,96 is very similar now to what I've already presented on page two zero eight you'll 951 01:24:04,97 --> 01:24:09,56 have the breakdown of the programs and the what we do. 952 01:24:12,80 --> 01:24:16,37 The next page page to zero nine because this is an independent fund and we haven't 953 01:24:16,38 --> 01:24:20,39 even talked about resources for say Building and Safety we actually can include 954 01:24:20,40 --> 01:24:24,62 detail on the resources the revenues for each of these funds within their own tab 955 01:24:24,63 --> 01:24:30,29 section so Page two and nine has the explanation if you will for the 956 01:24:30,88 --> 01:24:35,45 resources that would be coming into the building and safety division This is 957 01:24:35,46 --> 01:24:41,67 followed on page two ten by the line item detail. Then we get into the 958 01:24:41,68 --> 01:24:46,70 expenditures for the building and safety fund once again an explanation page. 959 01:24:47,49 --> 01:24:50,99 Followed by line item detail for this fund. 960 01:24:54,45 --> 01:24:58,72 Towards the back of book one which will be midway through your three ring binder 961 01:24:58,73 --> 01:25:00,50 just past the halfway point is 962 01:25:00,51 --> 01:25:07,47 a tab called miscellaneous. And here are the 963 01:25:07,48 --> 01:25:12,06 two line charts that the city manager presented in her presentation of bailable for 964 01:25:12,07 --> 01:25:17,91 you to review. I have to point out on the next page page three twelve I will be 965 01:25:17,92 --> 01:25:18,38 issuing 966 01:25:18,39 --> 01:25:23,88 a new page for you there is an error in this one. We talked about the reduction of 967 01:25:23,89 --> 01:25:29,25 six point two five positions this does not reflect that amount the rap sheet that 968 01:25:29,26 --> 01:25:32,35 we provide the new page for you will we have 969 01:25:32,36 --> 01:25:37,80 a total of one thousand one hundred eighty nine point nine zero employees F.T.E. 970 01:25:37,84 --> 01:25:44,15 With the City of Salem. The next series of pages is the analysis of positions and 971 01:25:44,16 --> 01:25:50,88 wages and breaks down by division each position its title its job 972 01:25:50,89 --> 01:25:55,35 category what we've adopted in the past and where we are going with the proposed 973 01:25:55,36 --> 01:26:02,33 budget it is. Provide some history as well as the proposed budget. If you want to 974 01:26:02,34 --> 01:26:08,18 just focus on positions that is where you would go. Then we have at the bat very 975 01:26:08,19 --> 01:26:13,70 back of the section the glossary on page three thirty one. That concludes that 976 01:26:13,71 --> 01:26:17,57 include Mike does not include my presentation but that concludes book one. 977 01:26:19,22 --> 01:26:23,52 Consolidated books one two and three in this one notebook or you so if you were to 978 01:26:23,64 --> 01:26:28,94 have an unbalanced section you would actually have three separate books when we get 979 01:26:28,95 --> 01:26:32,57 into book two you'll see another tab that says table of contents and Book two is 980 01:26:32,58 --> 01:26:38,83 all about public works. That includes our streets and transportation our engine 981 01:26:38,84 --> 01:26:42,73 nearing division and public works as well as the entire water and sewer fund. 982 01:26:43,78 --> 01:26:48,72 You'll see tabs for each of these funds they this group also follows the same 983 01:26:48,86 --> 01:26:53,15 convention that it does for all of our other funds and divisions within the general 984 01:26:53,16 --> 01:26:58,37 fund so I will not go through that. What is different in this book is construction 985 01:26:58,74 --> 01:27:03,96 all the construction projects are identified in this book on page there is 986 01:27:03,97 --> 01:27:06,67 a tab but on page fifty two of book two we have 987 01:27:06,68 --> 01:27:13,00 a summary of our capital improvements expenditures again we provided history by 988 01:27:13,33 --> 01:27:20,00 major category type of capital improvement project as well as the proposed budget. 989 01:27:22,85 --> 01:27:27,73 And just in summary we have about almost one hundred million dollars in proposed 990 01:27:27,74 --> 01:27:33,46 capital improvement program projects among all of our funding sources so about 991 01:27:33,47 --> 01:27:39,36 a quarter of our budget is capital improvement. This is followed by some revenue or 992 01:27:39,37 --> 01:27:44,83 resource detail for each of the major funds with in the capital improvement program 993 01:27:44,90 --> 01:27:50,55 we have the plan called the capital improvements fund. And then we have another 994 01:27:50,79 --> 01:27:56,71 fund which is shown on page beginning on page fifty seven the extra capacities 995 01:27:56,75 --> 01:27:59,32 facilities fund which is the S. 996 01:27:59,39 --> 01:28:06,30 Commonly known as the S D C charges system development charges. Now I'd like to 997 01:28:06,31 --> 01:28:11,82 step you through one of the sections in the capital budget as we drill down and I'd 998 01:28:11,90 --> 01:28:15,27 like to have you please turn to page eighty look at take 999 01:28:15,28 --> 01:28:22,22 a look at the municipal facilities section. This section of the 1000 01:28:22,23 --> 01:28:27,20 budget will talk about all of our modest municipal facilities we have in the 1001 01:28:27,21 --> 01:28:29,72 proposed budget first part of this is 1002 01:28:29,73 --> 01:28:34,73 a map that has some numbers on it those numbers correlate to the projects that are 1003 01:28:34,74 --> 01:28:39,87 listed beginning on page eighty one. So if you'll turn your book to page eighty one 1004 01:28:39,87 --> 01:28:43,32 . You will see on the far left hand side there's 1005 01:28:43,33 --> 01:28:48,40 a number one and two on these pages and those numbers would be on the map where 1006 01:28:48,41 --> 01:28:50,17 they pertain to 1007 01:28:50,18 --> 01:28:56,76 a specific location. Also contained then on this dual spread page is 1008 01:28:56,77 --> 01:29:02,68 a brief disk name of the project. A project number which is an accounting number 1009 01:29:03,53 --> 01:29:03,70 and 1010 01:29:03,71 --> 01:29:09,58 a description of the project and then facing that page you will glean from this the 1011 01:29:09,59 --> 01:29:14,60 neighborhood association that would be affected by this project the ward that is 1012 01:29:14,61 --> 01:29:20,88 affected by it and then the primary funding sources so you'll see here for the fire 1013 01:29:20,89 --> 01:29:26,75 bond projects we have seven hundred thousand left we have anticipate in our budget 1014 01:29:26,76 --> 01:29:33,23 next year. But if you turn the page to page eighty four you once again have 1015 01:29:33,24 --> 01:29:37,75 a line item detail with all the history that goes with what we've spent in the last 1016 01:29:37,93 --> 01:29:43,68 two years plus our budget and I propose for the fire bond. As you continue through 1017 01:29:43,69 --> 01:29:49,64 this section you'll see more projects listed so on page eighty five we have ours 1018 01:29:49,81 --> 01:29:54,73 Salem renewable energy and energy and technology park projects so those are 1019 01:29:54,74 --> 01:30:00,56 projects three poor five and six which will also be on the map this goes on 1020 01:30:00,60 --> 01:30:05,15 throughout the middle of the section as you peruse through it until you come to the 1021 01:30:05,16 --> 01:30:07,30 next section will be which will be indicated by 1022 01:30:07,31 --> 01:30:14,21 a map. The last book is also in your 1023 01:30:14,22 --> 01:30:18,14 three ring binder and that's our urban renewal book and you'll see once again your 1024 01:30:18,15 --> 01:30:18,80 third 1025 01:30:18,84 --> 01:30:26,40 a tab that says table of contents on it towards the back of the book. And 1026 01:30:26,41 --> 01:30:31,84 this is presented once again we have summaries available for your review we've got 1027 01:30:31,85 --> 01:30:35,82 similar information but there's only four funds in the urban renewal group so they 1028 01:30:35,83 --> 01:30:42,29 are not nearly as extensive However they are just as meaningful. We provide as we 1029 01:30:42,30 --> 01:30:46,03 do I didn't say so something in the earlier funder of the description of each fund 1030 01:30:46,07 --> 01:30:50,90 type in the summary section as well as the basis of accounting that is used in this 1031 01:30:51,29 --> 01:30:57,02 fund. And then we provide the debt service funds have information 1032 01:30:57,03 --> 01:31:03,98 a debt service summary and again we've got explanation pages and detail pages 1033 01:31:03,99 --> 01:31:09,52 what we call detail pages these are the line item pages for resources and revenues 1034 01:31:10,11 --> 01:31:16,86 resources and expenditures excuse me for the debt on and then the construction fund 1035 01:31:17,07 --> 01:31:22,35 which is yet the next tab and last tab. Is has 1036 01:31:22,36 --> 01:31:28,66 a similar outline so once again as in the prior construction area we have maps. But 1037 01:31:28,67 --> 01:31:32,35 we have not used the dual page view of this it's 1038 01:31:32,36 --> 01:31:36,93 a so much smaller unit and easier to encapsulate the projects and the revenue 1039 01:31:36,94 --> 01:31:43,49 sources within the papers what you will find though is project descriptions of 1040 01:31:43,50 --> 01:31:48,49 project number the ward that is involved in that as well as the neighbor hood 1041 01:31:48,50 --> 01:31:54,44 Association and the cost. I would be happy to entertain any questions if there are 1042 01:31:54,45 --> 01:31:59,76 any Madam Chair Are there any questions for staff members summers. 1043 01:32:04,55 --> 01:32:11,48 Last. Week I like to 1044 01:32:11,49 --> 01:32:18,14 think so. What. Could you do I Could 1045 01:32:18,54 --> 01:32:23,96 we have tried to send my client on microphone can do you share microphone remember 1046 01:32:23,97 --> 01:32:30,91 summers. We have tried to simplify the presentation and make it more 1047 01:32:30,92 --> 01:32:37,07 approachable and easier to read and pick up so I am glad that it is that didn't for 1048 01:32:37,08 --> 01:32:43,84 you. And I want to make the same comment I want to thank. You Debbie but 1049 01:32:43,94 --> 01:32:45,18 this doesn't really make 1050 01:32:45,19 --> 01:32:52,04 a lot more sense. Member Bennett did you have your hand up. Yet so 1051 01:32:52,05 --> 01:32:57,79 I just read it in your mind but no I had my hand up at one point yet thank you I it 1052 01:32:57,80 --> 01:33:01,82 is really more readable there is I just looking through it really quickly there 1053 01:33:01,83 --> 01:33:02,19 were just 1054 01:33:02,20 --> 01:33:06,94 a lot of information one of the things I didn't see and I'm just curious about it 1055 01:33:06,95 --> 01:33:12,94 and how to ask for it when the time com says when I hit some of these other five so 1056 01:33:13,18 --> 01:33:18,97 I just take one RAM don't like the Air Force One all right and I look at it yeah 1057 01:33:18,98 --> 01:33:25,92 it's fun to resources. And I'll hit. The fuel feed and you see 1058 01:33:26,48 --> 01:33:31,19 what what isn't there I see. A gross collection amount of thirty five thousand 1059 01:33:31,20 --> 01:33:33,94 dollars total I don't see like 1060 01:33:33,95 --> 01:33:38,82 a flowing to rate or you know what I mean like what's the unit cost on some of 1061 01:33:38,83 --> 01:33:45,49 these where these funds have particular. Revenue 1062 01:33:45,50 --> 01:33:52,17 sources or fees. Is separate unit cost on the most of 1063 01:33:52,18 --> 01:33:58,61 these. Would I be helpful for us to know or does it matter. If you've had something 1064 01:33:58,62 --> 01:34:03,22 that you'd like to know we do charge. How kind of exploits fees which kind of 1065 01:34:03,23 --> 01:34:04,88 a surcharge imam or how much 1066 01:34:04,89 --> 01:34:10,15 a page and know no better what we can do knowing that you're going to have that 1067 01:34:10,16 --> 01:34:14,20 information when the department gets ready to present their budgets they could have 1068 01:34:14,21 --> 01:34:18,80 that information for you that does that is that a reasonable if they have 1069 01:34:18,81 --> 01:34:23,74 a unit cost or some part of the fun to just see what we're charging the public for 1070 01:34:23,75 --> 01:34:28,62 the service rather than the gross receipt or in addition to the grocers certainly 1071 01:34:28,70 --> 01:34:35,14 OK I think that be helpful OK OK. So there are questions 1072 01:34:35,15 --> 01:34:39,79 comments. Thank you very much. 1073 01:34:44,90 --> 01:34:50,09 I believe we're ready to move to number ten goal study policy it's just. 1074 01:34:53,40 --> 01:34:58,36 An opportunity for the budget committee members to discuss goals concerns and 1075 01:34:58,37 --> 01:35:05,10 general policies as chair I just have one policy besides 1076 01:35:05,11 --> 01:35:11,96 getting used to is. Everyone remembers 1077 01:35:12,12 --> 01:35:18,84 to treat each other and members of the public and staff respect fully 1078 01:35:18,88 --> 01:35:25,66 and. To not be disagreeable when we disagree as certain staff 1079 01:35:25,67 --> 01:35:30,54 person is mentioned over the years in our conversations. 1080 01:35:32,76 --> 01:35:36,42 Do we have anything anyone have any comments. 1081 01:35:43,97 --> 01:35:47,90 And do we have members of the public I certainly don't have 1082 01:35:47,91 --> 01:35:54,50 a sign up sheets. Or everyone here is still I was just 1083 01:35:54,51 --> 01:35:58,18 wondering and I don't think there's anyone in the room who isn't either on the 1084 01:35:58,19 --> 01:36:04,92 payroll or has been elected or appointed but just in case any other business. 1085 01:36:07,99 --> 01:36:13,16 Thank you very much for works member Dick. Or we're going to have 1086 01:36:13,17 --> 01:36:17,63 a show of hands to see who wanted to attend the budget meeting Thank you very much 1087 01:36:17,63 --> 01:36:24,05 . Pre-budget maybe yes. But. 1088 01:36:25,33 --> 01:36:32,02 Let's have an informer form wall survey who is interested. To have it will be 1089 01:36:32,10 --> 01:36:38,49 beat. Really the time when will it be we will get to it at new. 1090 01:36:40,05 --> 01:36:45,49 Next Wednesday in the city managers conference for this what I believe what's being 1091 01:36:45,50 --> 01:36:52,06 proposed as they would be. Stated at noon in the manager's conference room and they 1092 01:36:52,07 --> 01:36:59,03 take place. The day. Departmental review they don't take 1093 01:36:59,04 --> 01:37:03,45 place at the first meeting or the final meeting because there are two parts never 1094 01:37:03,76 --> 01:37:10,50 use. Those days. Who is interested 1095 01:37:10,51 --> 01:37:16,79 first of all. OK. 1096 01:37:18,05 --> 01:37:19,31 Do we need should we have 1097 01:37:19,32 --> 01:37:25,19 a motion. Or can we need to think if there there were about five people who are 1098 01:37:25,20 --> 01:37:30,54 interested in doing now and I think that's fine because I had my own hands up and 1099 01:37:30,55 --> 01:37:35,18 it's at least five OK that's fine. Yes remember this I would like to make 1100 01:37:35,19 --> 01:37:40,02 a comment about those meetings because I found in my first year last year on the 1101 01:37:40,03 --> 01:37:45,19 Budget Committee the meetings were the most informative the best the most candid. 1102 01:37:46,31 --> 01:37:50,93 Presentations from each of the department heads that was present at the meeting and 1103 01:37:50,94 --> 01:37:56,08 I found that those were more valuable to me than this meeting were. 1104 01:37:57,58 --> 01:38:04,44 Robertson. Thank you. I would I would to over do agree with 1105 01:38:04,45 --> 01:38:10,21 that comment My only caution is that if we find out we're only getting 1106 01:38:10,22 --> 01:38:15,41 a couple of people at most of these meetings then we may want to revisit this in 1107 01:38:15,42 --> 01:38:20,72 a few weeks because it is. It does take 1108 01:38:20,73 --> 01:38:27,45 a lot of stuff time. Any other US Remember now and yeah which just 1109 01:38:27,46 --> 01:38:32,38 reminds me that. It's been past practice at the end of the meeting just to do 1110 01:38:32,39 --> 01:38:36,86 a rundown. What departments were actually going to be looking at the following week 1111 01:38:36,87 --> 01:38:42,03 for those millions of viewers here that chose to not have 1112 01:38:42,07 --> 01:38:46,93 a single occupancy vehicle miles travelled come down here all right if you want to 1113 01:38:46,94 --> 01:38:51,56 do that. So next week we'll have an overview of the Public Works fine to national 1114 01:38:51,57 --> 01:38:57,08 include parks and recreation and and transportation and then we'll have the water 1115 01:38:57,09 --> 01:39:02,67 and sewer phone and construction of related fans general debt to entrust funds. 1116 01:39:04,06 --> 01:39:09,57 And related to that when will the proposed budget be available on the web for 1117 01:39:10,00 --> 01:39:15,00 public I believe that will be out tomorrow is that right Miss Temple. 1118 01:39:19,88 --> 01:39:21,10 We are awaiting 1119 01:39:21,11 --> 01:39:26,95 a scan version from printing yet OK so maybe fry hopefully by the right day Friday 1120 01:39:27,00 --> 01:39:32,75 Yeah and well well insurance Happy Friday all right so those who would like to look 1121 01:39:32,76 --> 01:39:38,52 at a proposed budget on line go to City of say I'm done budget and in 1122 01:39:38,53 --> 01:39:41,10 a few days that are beyond mine we are joined.